December 18th, 2009
10:26 pm
Using CVS with Eclipse CVS / TortoiseCVS / CVSNT

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This post details the installation I use for CVS based source control, together with some usage points and gotchas I came across. My preferred installation consists of the Eclipse CVS plugin and TortoiseCVS on the client side. This gives the flexibility of CVS access both inside and outside Eclipse. In my experience both CVS clients coexist well, and changes in one are immediately  reflected correctly in the other as would be expected. My server side consists of CVSNT running on a separate repository server.

I have broken this tutorial down into linked sub-posts as it was becoming too monolithic and covered multiple topics. The steps are as follows :-

1/ Server Installation using CVSNT

3/ Client Installation, Configuration and usage notes- TortoiseCVS

4/ Client Installation, Configuration and Usage notes – Eclipse CVS Plugin

5/ Branching and Merging in Eclipse CVS and TortoiseCVS

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