February 14th, 2012
3:11 pm
Using a Message Bundle to make Dialog sizes locale dependant

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A common issue I have found is setting confirmation dialog widths correctly to hold the target message neatly.

With a Primefaces p:confirmDialog for example, the height auto adjusts but the width defaults to 300 pixels, and is set via an integer width attribute.

When supporting multiple languages, message sizes and sentence structure obviously differ, and it can be desirable to change the dialog width for example. Whilst a large width could be chosen which is likely to support any language, this can look less than perfect due to the extra unwanted space.

One simple solution which I came up with is just to store the dialog width in the Message Bundle along with the message. This way, the dialog width will automatically adjust to the value set for the target locale when switching locales. The same idea could be used to set a width etc. via CSS as well.

Whilst I am in no way suggesting turning a message bundle into a style sheet, this is a clean solution for this particular simple case and others like it, especially as the width is set as a component attribute and not in CSS, so style sheet localisation is not a possibility. Style sheet/resource localisation is available in JSF 2, but is somewhat non-intuitive. (Core JSF 3 p113-114 opines that it is an unappealing solution, and hopes for a better implementation in a future JSF release.)

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September 23rd, 2011
3:17 pm
Preventing Overflow with long strings in table cells

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I hit this issue when displaying email addresses in a p:dataTable.

The problem is that for long strings without spaces, the browser tries to enlarge the table cell width, causing the table to stretch beyond the correct bounds and messing up the layout. A column will wrap and enlarge vertically, but this will only be done when it can break on a space. Setting the widths for the columns is technically just advisory on the browser and may be overriden if needed.

There are various solutions to this, and this post here in Stack Overflow discusses them.

My chosen solution in this case was the following:-

  • Place the text in the cells in <spans>, to allow them to be styled with CSS. You could also style the column <td> cells by applying style/styleClass attributes to the p:column tag, but this will limit your flexibility – for example if you do this p:column does not expose the title attribute on the <td> (see below)
  • Style the <spans>  with display:inline-block;overflow:hidden. This allows a width to be set for the span (I used the same width as set for the column), and hides any overflow (which would otherwise bleed into the next column).
  • Text will still wrap on spaces if they are present, but long strings without spaces, such as email addresses or file paths, do not cause a problem, but they will truncate and so will not be fully visible by default.
  • I include a title attribute on the span to include the full text. This allows the full text to be displayed on hover for any long strings that are truncated in the cell.

This neatly solves the problem, and prevents the table layout messing up.

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July 26th, 2011
10:31 am
Extra unwanted margin around an HTML textarea in Google Chrome

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Chrome places an unwanted 4px bottom margin on a textarea, which is impossible to elminate purely by the margin settings.

In addition, the other browsers sometimes have related issues.

This post on StackOverflow discusses the issue, and the Chrome bug issue may be found here.

Issues like this can be caused in inline and inline-block elements, due to side effects of the line height/vertical alignment of textual elements. They can be hard issues to diagnose as the cause of the extra margin is not readily visible in tools like Firebug or Chrome’s developer tools/debugger. In order to see it, I added an extra div with a border around the element, and the margin was then clearly visible, but of course it was still not reported as a margin on the textarea element, which steadfastly maintained its story that no margin was present!

As per the StackOverflow article, there are 2 ways around this issue:-

  • If the textarea is set to have vertical-align:top then this eliminates the problem. It also has the advantage of maintaining the element as inline-block – in Chrome’s case this is the default, and with other browsers this will often be used in order to allow margins etc. which an inline element will not allow.
  • Another fix for the problem is to set the textarea to display:block, i.e. to make it a block element. This is fine, but it should be noted that as the element is not natively a block type element, IE7 and earlier IE versions will not handle this. IE8 and IE9 will allow an inline element to be redesignated as a block one. Therefore, the first method has better browser compatibility.

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July 26th, 2011
10:05 am
Controlling textarea resizing in HTML

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A number of web browsers (notably Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari) have a feature whereby a textarea element in an HTML form can be dynamically resized after rendering, by allowing the user to drag the corner of the element. At the time of writing , IE and Opera do not have this feature.

This is often a desirable feature, but in order to preserve layout it is also desirable to restrict and control it as desired. The following facilities are available to do this:-

  • It can be disabled completely using the css property resize:none. Note that this is a CSS3 property, which limits its scope of use.
  • Another means to do this is by using the min-width, max-width, min-height, and max-height properties, which have the advantage that they are CSS2 properties and therefore more widely supported. They are also more flexible in that they allow precise control of the amount of resizing allowed on the element. Resizing can be disabled completely by setting the minimum and maximum width/height to the actual width/height values.

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July 21st, 2011
10:58 am
More useful Posts about inline-block and alignment

Posted under CSS
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Update 18/1/2012

I was having trouble getting cross theme and cross browser consistency in aligning text adjacent to an icon in a series of IconTextButtons of mine, inside a toolbar.

Both the icon and the text were in spans set to display:inline-block and the spans were inside a div. I found the following useful in solving the issue :-

  1. The key issue turned out to be that the line-height was very different across Primefaces themes. The font size was constant at about (effectively) 11.5px, but the effective line-height varied with the them between 12px and 16px. This was the main cause of the issue in getting good alignment.
  2. I just set a fixed line-height of 14px for all the buttons in the toolbar, and this solved the cross theme (and cross browser) issues.
  3. The text was to the right of the icon, and found that tweaking the top margin for the icon set the position of both it and the text vertically, due to the adjacency-relative way in which vertical-align works.
  4. In order to adjust the vertical alignment of the text slightly relative to the icon, I found that setting a small bottom margin on the text achieved this, so one to bear in mind when experimenting.
  5. I had also tried padding changes as well as margin, but the effects (or lack of them) were similar to tweaking the margins.


Original Post

This post gives a good description of the effect on margins and padding for inline vs. block elements elements.

This StackOverflow post point out the effect of adjacent inline elements on the vertical alignment of an element – in this case an element was pushed down a few pixels due to the prescence of adjacent inline elements.

I was trying to align text and buttons in a narrow vertical toolbar, and as I have found previously, different browsers render differently.

The best consistency across browsers was obtained as follows :-

  1. Use display:inline-block to allow vertical margins to be obeyed on the elements. They can then be precisely adjusted (but may still behave differently depending on the adjacent elements). inline-block has decent cross browser support. IE6 and IE7 only support it on elements with a native type of ‘inline’ – see this post for cross browser support details.
  2. Using vertical-align:bottom seems to give the best cross browser consistency.
  3. Top and/or bottom margins generally need to be tweaked for each individual case depending on element adjacency. (Depending on the case you may need to set a top or a bottom margin to have the desired effect consistently across browsers.) For example, I had to treat a text only span differently to a text span adjacent to a couple of buttons on the bar.

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March 23rd, 2011
2:35 pm
HTML Text string plus floated right hand icon–the order matters!

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A column header consisted of a text string, plus a Primefaces icon which was to be floated right in the header, in line with the text.

My initial HTML consisted of the following :-

header text<span style=”float:right;” class=”iconclass”></span>

where iconclass was one of the standard Primefaces classes for rendering icons using CSS backgrounds.

In this case, I could not stop the icon from being dropped onto a new line below the text. It was still floated right correctly, but dropped down a line.

I compared it with another similar example (not one of mine) which did work correctly, and could see no difference at all in the technique or the CSS properties of any of the elements – I would absolutely have expected both to behave the same but they did not.

In the end, simply swapping the order of the elements made it work correctly :-

<span style=”float:right;” class=”iconclass”></span> header text

I.E. putting the floated icon first and then specifying the text worked correctly and did not drop the icon down!

I am not clear on the precise reasoning for this behaviour – it was consistent across various browsers. I suspect it has to do with some of the subtleties of floating behaviour.

However, the lesson was simple – the order of elements in cases like this matters, and may result in a solution in similar cases which ‘should’ work but don’t!

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February 11th, 2011
5:49 pm
Further h:outputStylesheet issues

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I needed to load a custom style sheet for a composite component.

Primefaces has problems loading theme images correctly when using h:outputStylesheet as per here, but using a raw link tag was no good as I wanted to develop a custom component which loaded its own styles, i.e. it had no <head> section.

This post here indicates that if you don’t use the library attribute you can get h:outputStylesheet to work even with Primefaces themes.

In my case, I was not loading themes/images etc. so this was not an issue, but I still used the following directive and avoided use of the library attribute for simplicity:-

<h:outputStylesheet name=”uk.co.salientsoft/util/SSBreadcrumb.css”/>

This version worked. My initial attempts (which failed with a resource loading error) were as follows :-

<h:outputStylesheet name=”resources/uk.co.salientsoft/util/SSBreadcrumb.css”/>

<h:outputStylesheet name=”#{request.contextPath}/resources/uk.co.salientsoft/util/SSBreadcrumb.css”/>

In other words, with a css file stored in Eclipse under WebContent/resources/uk.co.salientsoft/util/SSBreadcrumb.css,  the above working example was correct, i.e. to load correctly, omit the context root and the resources level and use a relative reference without the preceding slash.

I did try to debug this by visiting the logger settings in Glassfish admin, then under the Log Levels tab, setting everything with JSF in it to finest! This did display an error when trying to load the resource:-

|JSF1064: Unable to find or serve resource, /SSBreadcrumb/resources/uk.co.salientsoft/util/SSBreadcrumb.css.|#]

However the error was not particularly informative as it just spat back to me the path I gave it to load. It would have been nice for it to tell me how it was mapping the path as then I could have seen the problem more easily.

Note however that using this page in Glassfish is a very convenient way to turn on logging in Glassfish, as it lists the common logger paths for you and gives a combo to select the level for each. You don’t have to go googling for the logger paths and edit a log properties file yourself. Note also that when you do this you must restart Glassfish for the log level changes to actually take effect.

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December 6th, 2010
10:45 am
Customising the Primefaces Breadcrumb control

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This control has a preview mode which dynamically shrinks and expands the links on hover. Nice idea, but it’s rather slow to render the page on load when there are many entries, as the initial compress is done by jQuery so lots of JavaScript going on.

My preference when a lot of entries are present would be to render the control statically, and instead of dynamically expanding the entries, to have them permanently compressed but with tooltips (= html title attribute) to show the full entry on hover (as suggested here in Jenifer Tidwell’s excellent book Designing Interfaces). This would be much faster.

Unfortunately, the current control does not support that – the menu item children that make up the breadcrumb entries do have a ‘help text’ attribute which looks like it should render a title/tooltip but this does not work.

I would like at some point to make a custom version. The best way would probably be to make it a new different control, possibly in my own library but at least as an additional Primefaces control that I could easily deploy on new released without having to customise code.

Chapter 11 of Core JavaServer Faces has a good example walkthrough of a full custom component development, which helps to give a background. Customising the breadcrumb looks easy as it is just a question of enhancing existing code by adding some additional attributes and changing the encoding in the renderer to encode titles and do a static breadcrumb. The following functionality would be needed:-

ToolTipMode attribute to turn on the new mode. Other modes would possibly still be present  – no point in disabling them unless I have too. If it looks like carrying the old modes is a lot of baggage I could create a stripped down control using the old one as a framework, and only support the new modes I require. As I am keeping the existing control there is no need to duplicate its features if I don’t need to. As the rendering for the new control should be straightforward, I could even rip out all the jQuery stuff and just use some of the existing CSS techniques for rendering it, but statically. I would duplicate the classes and give my own names.

In the new mode, all entries would have a hover title.

  • ToolTipCompressThreshold attribute would be a character count for the whole breadcrumb which would trigger compression of all entries equally. This is obviously a static guess figure, but it avoids having to do any client side stuff in JavaScript and so will render fast.
  • ToolTipMaxLength attribute would be a notional maximum length in pixels for the breadcrumb (set separately from the css). When the compress threshold has been reached, this attribute would be divided by the number of breadcrumb entries to be rendered, and the resulting value used as the maximum pixel size for rendering each entry (it would be good to allow them to be shorter if they don’t use all the space, so it does not look odd). Rather than strip out characters from the entries, I would just hide the excess width via a hidden overflow in a div (as the existing control does now).

The source is all available in the source or bundled zip download. Note the following from a first look:-

  • BreadCrumb.java contains the properties for all the attributes – all driven from an enum with custom methods in it (note the technique, could use this as it enforces consistency and avoids typos etc.)
  • BreadCrumbRenderer.java renders all the html and js calls.
  • BreadCrumbTag.java – note that Primefaces 2.2M1 had this file, but 2.2RC2 does not have it. Check/compare the code – they either simplified it or it has gone missing from the latest release. I could base my version on either.
  • MenuItem.java – will probably want to look at this as each BreadCrumb item is a menu item.
  • primefaces-i.taglib.xml and primefaces-p.taglib.xml are the taglibs – I will need to define a taglib for mine (see core Javaserver faces again). Note that these are in the deployed jar but not in the sources jar.
  • faces-config.xml – defines all the component classes. As with the taglibs this is in the deployed jar but not the sources jar.

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November 30th, 2010
4:37 pm
Tailoring a Primefaces TreeTable with JavaScript/jQuery/JSF 2.0

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This example came about from the desire to hightlight a Primefaces TreeTable row when a checkbox in the row is ticked. I wanted to do this because a ticked checkbox is not as visible as I would like when a lot of data is present. I was not keen on adding DataTable style dynamic selection by hovering and clicking anywhere in a row, as this conflicts somewhat with the paradigm of clicking on the expander to expand/collapse the tree, and you would have to special case hovering/clicking on the expander somehow to prevent row selection.

Ideally you would use CSS for this, but this would involve tagging a component in a TreeTable cell (<td> element) with a class (as in the TreeTable component we cannot directly add row styling), and then using some kind of ancestor selector to traverse the DOM tree upwards to get the row. The simple answer to this is that whilst CSS can do some clever things, it does not have any kind of ancestor selector, so it is not possible to do it just with CSS.

An attractive alternative for this kind of thing in Primefaces is to use jQuery – a very powerful JavaScript based UI library upon which Primefaces is based. As it is already present in a Primefaces environment, it is trivial to call and ideal for this kind of thing. In particular, it has powerful mechanisms for traversing and searching the DOM tree and selecting elements etc. If you combine this with its features for dynamically adding and removing classes from elements, it can do exactly the kind of thing that we cannot do in CSS. The jQuery website is here, and the API documentation for it may be found here.

The sample code fragments below demonstrate the idea. The sample is based on a hacked version of the the Primefaces showcase TreeTable demo. Note the following points:-

  • It is perfectly possible to add both Javascript and JSF EL inline inside a JSF component, such that the JavaScript runs at that point when the page is rendered. This example adds some JavaScript inside the JSF tags for a checkbox.
  • As the example uses JavaScript, the hightlight is added/removed both client side from a click event on the check box, and when the page is rendered based on the current check box value in the TreeTableDocument object from the server.
  • The sample uses the JSF 2.0 EL implicit object reference component.clientId to get the client ID of the component where the EL reference is used. This is new for JSF 2.0 (previously additional code would be needed for this) and like the cc implicit object used with composite components, is not at all well documented. I was unable to find reference documentation for it anywhere in the JSF 2.0 specs, but found details of it here (at the end of the post). Note that the reference needs to be placed with care – it sometimes appears to come up with ‘ghost’ client IDs which may have been allocated by JSF but do not actually appear anywhere as IDs in the HTML. When using it, check that it returns the correct ID, for example by just placing a bare #{component.clientId} on the page directly adjacent to where you are using it, and view the source of the generated page in the browser to check that the client ID it returns matches the id of the component it is used for.
  • Be careful to consider any ordering issues – the inline JavaScript call I am using must be placed on the page after the component it refers to has been rendered. By default, using component.clientId  inside a script block which is in turn inside the checkbox component tags causes the script block to be output immediately prior to the html for the checkbox. Therefore, I use two script blocks – one inside the checkbox to save the component ID in a temporary JavaScript variable, which guarantees that I obtain the correct component ID and not an incorrect or ‘ghost’ one, and then another script block immediately after the closing tag for the checkbox component which passes the form ID and saved component ID to a JavaScript function which calls jQuery to do the highlighting after the html element has been rendered on the page. Note that the client side onClick() event on the checkbox will always run after  the full page has been rendered, when the user clicks the box, so ordering is not an issue for this.
  • The call to jQuery passes in the checkbox DOM element, which jQuery wraps with a jQuery object and returns. The parent() method is then used twice to traverse the DOM tree up from the check box to the table cell <td>, and thence to the table row <tr>. The addClass() and removeClass() methods are then used to dynamically add/remove the required CSS classes to the table row depending on the passed check box state. Adding and removing classes with jQuery is useful as it does all the string bashing for you to check if the class being added/removed is already present, handles spaces correctly, and leaves all other classes on the element intact.
  • Note that in an earlier version I had tricky issues with nested quotes in JSF EL. I initially used outer double quotes, with inner single quotes on the JavaScript calls. The EL through this out however. I ended up using double quotes throughout, and escaped the inner ones with backslashes (\). This worked fine. The version shown here does not need this as it is a later modification.
  • The example extends the Primefaces Document class used in the showcase, adding a boolean property for the check box value.
  • My example uses CDI, whereas the original showcase uses JSF managed beans.

Sample Code Fragments


<html xmlns="http://www.w3c.org/1999/xhtml"
<f:view contentType="text/html">
    <util:themeSwitcher    outputStyle="true"
    .ui-widget {
        font-size: 75% !important;
    h1.header {
        font-size: 1.2em !important;
        padding: 5px;
        margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
    h2.subheader {
        font-size: 0.9em !important;
        padding: 2px;
        margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
    .float {
        float: left;
    .clear {
        clear: both;
    .themeswitcher {
        float: left;
        clear: both;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
    .ss-selectcolumn {
        width:30px !important;
        padding:0px !important;
    .ss-checkbox {
/* treetable arrow light/dark switch
    .ui-treetable tr.collapsed td .expander {
    .ui-treetable tr.expanded td .expander {
/* Styling nicked from default.css in the Primefaces Showcase */
    a {text-decoration: none;}
    a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}
    a img {border: none;}   

<script type="text/javascript">
    function highlightTreeTableRow(formId, checkBoxId) {
        var checkBox = document.forms[formId][checkBoxId];
        if (checkBox.checked)
            jQuery(checkBox).parent().parent().addClass(‘ui-state-highlight ui-selected’);
            jQuery(checkBox).parent().parent().removeClass(‘ui-state-highlight ui-selected’);
<h1 class="float header ui-widget ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" style="">Theme Switcher</h1>
<h:form prependId="false" id="frmTest">
<util:themeSwitcher form="frmTest" outerStyleClass="themeswitcher" style="margin-bottom:20px;"/>

<div style="width:600px;clear:both;">
    <p:treeTable value="#{documentsController.root}" var="document"
       styleClass="#{(document.name==’logo.png’)? ‘ui-state-highlight ui-selected’:’fred’}"
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{document.name}" />
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{document.size}" />
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{document.type}" />
            <f:facet name="header">
            <p:commandLink update="documentPanel" oncomplete="documentDialog.show()" title="View Detail">
                <p:graphicImage value="/images/search.png"/>
                <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{document}" target="#{documentsController.selectedDocument}" />
        <p:column styleClass="ss-selectcolumn">
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:selectBooleanCheckbox disabled="true" label="box header"/>
            <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{document.selected}"
onclick="highlightTreeTableRow(‘frmTest’, this.id);" styleClass="ss-checkbox" id="selector" >                
                 <script>selectId = ‘#{component.clientId}’;</script>
            <script>highlightTreeTableRow("frmTest", selectId);</script>
    <p:commandButton type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="submit();" style="margin-top:10px;"/>
    <p:dialog header="Document Detail" fixedCenter="true" effect="FADE" effectDuration="0.3"
        widgetVar="documentDialog" modal="true">
        <p:outputPanel id="documentPanel">
            <h:panelGrid  columns="2" cellpadding="5">
                <h:outputLabel for="name" value="Name: " />
                <h:outputText id="name" value="#{documentsController.selectedDocument.name}" style="font-weight:bold" />
                <h:outputLabel for="size" value="Size: " />
                <h:outputText id="size" value="#{documentsController.selectedDocument.size}" style="font-weight:bold" />
                <h:outputLabel for="type" value="Type " />
                <h:outputText id="type" value="#{documentsController.selectedDocument.type}" style="font-weight:bold" />

DocumentsController.java (modified from Showcase)

package org.primefaces.examples.view;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.primefaces.model.DefaultTreeNode;
import org.primefaces.model.TreeNode;
import uk.co.salientsoft.treetable.view.TreeTableDocument;

public class DocumentsController implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3593168523028092346L;
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DocumentsController.class.getName());
    private TreeNode root;
    private TreeTableDocument selectedDocument;
    public DocumentsController() {
        root = new DefaultTreeNode("root", null);
        TreeNode documents = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Documents", "-", "Folder"), root);
        TreeNode pictures = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Pictures", "-", "Folder"), root);
        TreeNode music = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Music", "-", "Folder"), root);
        TreeNode work = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Work", "-", "Folder"), documents);
        TreeNode primefaces = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("PrimeFaces", "-", "Folder"), documents);
        TreeNode expenses = new DefaultTreeNode("document", new TreeTableDocument("Expenses.doc", "30 KB", "Word Document"), work);
        TreeNode resume = new DefaultTreeNode("document", new TreeTableDocument("Resume.doc", "10 KB", "Word Document"), work);
        TreeNode refdoc = new DefaultTreeNode("document", new TreeTableDocument("RefDoc.pages", "40 KB", "Pages Document"), primefaces);
        TreeNode barca = new DefaultTreeNode("picture", new TreeTableDocument("barcelona.jpg", "30 KB", "JPEG Image"), pictures);
        TreeNode primelogo = new DefaultTreeNode("picture", new TreeTableDocument("logo.jpg", "45 KB", "JPEG Image"), pictures);
        TreeNode optimus = new DefaultTreeNode("picture", new TreeTableDocument("optimusprime.png", "96 KB", "PNG Image"), pictures);
        TreeNode turkish = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Turkish", "-", "Folder"), music);
        TreeNode cemKaraca = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Cem Karaca", "-", "Folder"), turkish);
        TreeNode erkinKoray = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Erkin Koray", "-", "Folder"), turkish);
        TreeNode mogollar = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Mogollar", "-", "Folder"), turkish);
        TreeNode nemalacak = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Nem Alacak Felek Benim", "1500 KB", "Audio File"), cemKaraca);
        TreeNode resimdeki = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Resimdeki Gozyaslari", "2400 KB", "Audio File"), cemKaraca);
        TreeNode copculer = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Copculer", "2351 KB", "Audio File"), erkinKoray);
        TreeNode oylebirgecer = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Oyle bir Gecer", "1794 KB", "Audio File"), erkinKoray);
        TreeNode toprakana = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Toprak Ana", "1536 KB", "Audio File"), mogollar);
        TreeNode bisiyapmali = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Bisi Yapmali", "2730 KB", "Audio File"), mogollar);
    public TreeNode getRoot() {return root;}
    public void setRoot(TreeNode root) {this.root = root;}
    public TreeTableDocument getSelectedDocument() {return selectedDocument;}
    public void setSelectedDocument(TreeTableDocument selectedDocument) {
        this.selectedDocument = selectedDocument;


package uk.co.salientsoft.treetable.view;
import org.primefaces.examples.domain.Document;

public class TreeTableDocument extends Document {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7339615098050125785L;
    public TreeTableDocument(String name, String size, String type) {
        super(name, size, type);
    private boolean;
    public boolean isSelected() {return this.selected;}
    public void setSelected(boolean selected) {this.selected = selected;}

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November 23rd, 2010
11:38 am
Using floats to place a border around a control group/toolbar

Posted under CSS
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I originally used display:inline-block, line-height and vertical-align:middle to do this as detailed here, but the results were inconsistent across browsers.

Using floats is a much better solution for a number of reasons – details are as follows:- 

  • The controls are floated left inside a div which is itself floated left. As the div is floating, it auto resizes to fit around the content, and so scales to fit unknown control sizes.
  • The controls are all set to have fixed top and bottom margins (4px in the example), and the leftmost and rightmost also have similar left and right margins respectively.
  • The floated div is set to have the desired border and background etc. – in my case, I use Primefaces/jQuery UI theme style classes to apply theme look and feel.
  • The floated div is then placed inside another outer div, which may be of fixed dimensions. This allows the control group to adjust in size, but to be located inside a fixed area on a page.
  • If the outer div is of fixed size and non floating, the floating inside it is invisible to the rest of the document, so it is not necessary for example to clear the float.
  • If desired, the outer div can be set to overflow:auto to allow scroll bars if the size of the inner floating div exceeds the space allocated for it on the page.
  • If the area surrounding the control group is also floating, the outer div can also be set to float with no size specified, so the concept works well in both floating and fixed size situations.
  • display:inline-block and vertical-align:middle are not used with this method.

 This mechanism has the following characteristics:-

  • The control group bordering works nicely and consistently with the Primefaces/jQuery theme styling, as rather than trying to centre the controls in a fixed border, instead we vary the border size and keep the margin between the controls and the border constant.
  • The approach makes use of the laws of Gestalt Psychology – the eye notices even small imperfections in the alignment of the controls and their relationship to the border because they are close and obviously grouped/related.
  • Conversely the position of the entire bordered control group within its surroundings (the outer div) will typically not be so critical – it will likely be in a larger area of white space between it and adjacent items,  and so its position and size within that space matters less than the control / border relationship.

A caveat to all this is that it is still not perfect – the simple example below does not perform quite as well in terms of cross browser alignment as the Primefaces/jQuery UI version, as the Primefaces themes apply their own styling as well which changes the situation. This could of course be improved by adjusting the margins individually for different controls in the group to get the best overall cross browser alignment. One very important goal I am trying to acheive is to avoid browser specific CSS. The Primefaces/jQuery UI CSS does in general have browser specific tweaks which will help it in certain situations.

Overall though this approach performs significantly better than the previous method using vertical-align:middle etc. and has the advantage of being fully floating/dynamically sizing if required. An example of this approach follows :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <style type=”text/css”>
  .ss-outerdiv {
   height: 40px;
   width: 200px;
   background-color: orange;
  .ss-controlgroup {
   float: left;
   background-color: green;
   border: 1px solid black;
  .ss-select, .ss-leftbutton, .ss-rightbutton {
   margin-top: 4px;
   margin-bottom: 4px;
   float: left;
  .ss-select {
   width: 120px;
     font-family: Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;
     font-size: 11px;    
   margin-left: 4px;
   margin-right: 4px;
  .ss-leftbutton, .ss-rightbutton {
   height: 20px;
   width: 30px;
  .ss-leftbutton  {margin-right: 2px;}
  .ss-rightbutton {margin-right: 4px;}
<div class=”ss-outerdiv”>
 <div class=”ss-controlgroup”>
  <select class=”ss-select”>
  <option value=”Test”>Test Value</option>
  <button class=”ss-leftbutton ss-button”></button>
  <button class=”ss-rightbutton ss-button”></button>

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