April 2nd, 2011
5:50 pm
Updating components such as JSF, JPA in Glassfish

Posted under Glassfish
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Update 04/10/2011

An essential step was omitted below, which is to clear out the OSGI cache. If you do not do this, and for example manually update Mojarra, the old version will still be loaded from the OSGI cache so your update will not take effect (and probably leave you wondering where glassfish can possibly still be getting the old version from!)

The simple solution is to ensure that you clear the OSGI cache after an update. The cache will be automatically rebuilt by Glassfish.

Simply delete all files in the  <glassfish-root>/glassfish/domains/domain1/osgi-cache/ folder. (Typically this just has a felix  subfolder to be deleted).

This solves the problem.



Glassfish has its updatetool which automatically lists and installs updates from known repositories. You can add to the list of repositories, but they have to be of the type that Glassfish will accept – it will not install from any old download site.

When I wanted to update Mojarra in GF 3.0.1 from 2.0.2 FCS to 2.0.4 FCS with the updatetool, I could not find an update site with that version on.

The alternative (which I did) is to update manually – in this case to stop Glassfish and copy the jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar into the <glassfish-root>\glassfish\modules directory, then restart. The only issue with this is that the new version will not be correctly listed in the installed components under the update tool or in the glassfish administration if you do it manually. However, you can verify that the correct version is running by starting glassfish and one of your web apps running in it, then look in the log for Mojarra and you will see that Mojarra logs its version when it loads. (Be careful if using Notepad++ – I found that its search was unreliable when searching backwards in the log for Mojarra, and it missed the relevant matches.

This can also be done for JPA/Eclipselink. However, the issue with this is that in the update tool it is listed with the name Glassfish JPA, with a different version number to the one used for Eclipselink. It is therefore not possible to work out which version of Eclipselink you are upgrading to. Some of the forums suggest just copying in a later set of Eclipselink OSGI jars but this just does not feel right for OSGI!

The only think I can be certain of is the installed version of Eclipselink with a base version of Glassfish, as this is documented as part of the Glassfish release.

At present I am sticking with the Eclipselink 2.0.2 version that ships with Glassfish, as I have not had any problems with this.

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