March 26th, 2024
12:38 pm
React – Framework Points to Note

Posted under React & Web
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Various points/gotchas worthy of note, all discovered whilst learning about React…

1/ You can define components in their own classes – to do this you extend the component class and define the render method. However, this is now considered legacy in favour of just writing a function which returns the necessary jsx/tsx. This is discussed here, and the migration of components from legacy classes to using functions instead is discussed here.


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February 2nd, 2024
4:18 pm
Progressive Web Apps – Technical Points/Issues Found

Posted under PWAs & Web
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Tutorials/examples used

  1. Simple tutorial here on free code camp
  2. Building Progressive Web Apps by Tal Ater. This includes a source example on github.

Issues/Points Found:

  1. My angular code has a number of cases where a query string is passed to a url. When caching a url or searching for one in the cache, it is important to remove all query strings and “#” fragment identifier. All my urls which are added to the cache are constants from a js/json file, and so no explicit removal is needed in the code. For searching, I use the {ignoreSearch: true} option on caches.match which strips all these on searching. Initially I appeared to have issues getting this working on all browsers, especially mobile, but in due course I established that there were other bugs at play, and in fact the above option works reliably across all browsers, including chrome and firefox on android.
  2. A valid manifest .json must be declared in index.html, and this must have at least one icon of at least 144×144 in size. This is a PWA rule.
  3. A promise was not being returned to the install event in free code camp example – this was due to braces being used in the install event code, but no explicit return was used to return the promise. The code did use a waitUntil in the install event, so clearly was expecting to wait for the cache additions to complete. The event waitUntil will therefore get an undefined return and not wait for the promise (i.e. the addAll to the cache) to complete. The PWAbook example above does do this correctly, and the code is very similar, but I copied and pasted code from each of the above in various examples and did not notice the missing return keyword in the free code camp example. This was subsequently remedied and all my code.
  4. Service worker are always installed immediately after registration see here:
    I have not always seen this. I have often failed to see the console logs for the install event and the cache add/creation on the web site devtools console, but I suspect this is due to an existing service worker being used rather than a new one. The service worker has its own dev tools page and having just loaded a PWA web site locally on a new unused port, I noticed that the install event console logging was visible both on the dev tools for the pwa site and for the newly created service worker. All of this happened before any attempt was made to install the PWA app via the browser.
    Service workers are reused unless terminated/removed, even when the web app is updated. However you can force a new service worker on update by visiting the Application/service workers menu option on the Application page of the dev tools, and ticking update on reload. I did not prove this/try out in detail, but I did leave it on normally when developing.
    This issue may also be due to timing issues due to the bug in 1/, the promise not being returned therefore the code does not wait for all the urls to be added to the cache.
  5. Service workers may be viewed via the following chrome urls:
  6. For android, there are no dev tools available, but you can enable usb debugging. Visit the developer options under settings, and then enable usb debugging. You can then plug the phone into a windows pc via usb, and visit chrome://inspect/#devices to list the available usb devices, and connect to them, which opens a dev tools window.
  7. Note that it takes up to a minute or so after the addAll is performed to the cache for it to appear as populated in the Applications tab of the chrome inspector. This was misleading at first as it looked as if it had failed/not been performed when it actually had.
  8. Initially I did often see errors loading certain urls into the cache. To log this, I switched to using a loop to iterate the cache urls array, and used sequential cache.add() calls rather than cache.addAll(). This allowed logging explicitly of the ones in error (cache.addAll did not give detailed errors about the urls that had failed). Cache.addAll() is better though as it performs the adds in parallel and so is faster, so having got the pwa working I have reverted to using cache.addAll. I suspect these errors were due to code issues, in particular the above timing issues due to the missing return keyword.

Having battled through all these issues, I was able to get reliable operation, both online and offline, and both on windows and Android, with both Chrome and Firefox.

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