Archive for November, 2010

November 30th, 2010
4:37 pm
Tailoring a Primefaces TreeTable with JavaScript/jQuery/JSF 2.0

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This example came about from the desire to hightlight a Primefaces TreeTable row when a checkbox in the row is ticked. I wanted to do this because a ticked checkbox is not as visible as I would like when a lot of data is present. I was not keen on adding DataTable style dynamic selection by hovering and clicking anywhere in a row, as this conflicts somewhat with the paradigm of clicking on the expander to expand/collapse the tree, and you would have to special case hovering/clicking on the expander somehow to prevent row selection.

Ideally you would use CSS for this, but this would involve tagging a component in a TreeTable cell (<td> element) with a class (as in the TreeTable component we cannot directly add row styling), and then using some kind of ancestor selector to traverse the DOM tree upwards to get the row. The simple answer to this is that whilst CSS can do some clever things, it does not have any kind of ancestor selector, so it is not possible to do it just with CSS.

An attractive alternative for this kind of thing in Primefaces is to use jQuery – a very powerful JavaScript based UI library upon which Primefaces is based. As it is already present in a Primefaces environment, it is trivial to call and ideal for this kind of thing. In particular, it has powerful mechanisms for traversing and searching the DOM tree and selecting elements etc. If you combine this with its features for dynamically adding and removing classes from elements, it can do exactly the kind of thing that we cannot do in CSS. The jQuery website is here, and the API documentation for it may be found here.

The sample code fragments below demonstrate the idea. The sample is based on a hacked version of the the Primefaces showcase TreeTable demo. Note the following points:-

  • It is perfectly possible to add both Javascript and JSF EL inline inside a JSF component, such that the JavaScript runs at that point when the page is rendered. This example adds some JavaScript inside the JSF tags for a checkbox.
  • As the example uses JavaScript, the hightlight is added/removed both client side from a click event on the check box, and when the page is rendered based on the current check box value in the TreeTableDocument object from the server.
  • The sample uses the JSF 2.0 EL implicit object reference component.clientId to get the client ID of the component where the EL reference is used. This is new for JSF 2.0 (previously additional code would be needed for this) and like the cc implicit object used with composite components, is not at all well documented. I was unable to find reference documentation for it anywhere in the JSF 2.0 specs, but found details of it here (at the end of the post). Note that the reference needs to be placed with care – it sometimes appears to come up with ‘ghost’ client IDs which may have been allocated by JSF but do not actually appear anywhere as IDs in the HTML. When using it, check that it returns the correct ID, for example by just placing a bare #{component.clientId} on the page directly adjacent to where you are using it, and view the source of the generated page in the browser to check that the client ID it returns matches the id of the component it is used for.
  • Be careful to consider any ordering issues – the inline JavaScript call I am using must be placed on the page after the component it refers to has been rendered. By default, using component.clientId  inside a script block which is in turn inside the checkbox component tags causes the script block to be output immediately prior to the html for the checkbox. Therefore, I use two script blocks – one inside the checkbox to save the component ID in a temporary JavaScript variable, which guarantees that I obtain the correct component ID and not an incorrect or ‘ghost’ one, and then another script block immediately after the closing tag for the checkbox component which passes the form ID and saved component ID to a JavaScript function which calls jQuery to do the highlighting after the html element has been rendered on the page. Note that the client side onClick() event on the checkbox will always run after  the full page has been rendered, when the user clicks the box, so ordering is not an issue for this.
  • The call to jQuery passes in the checkbox DOM element, which jQuery wraps with a jQuery object and returns. The parent() method is then used twice to traverse the DOM tree up from the check box to the table cell <td>, and thence to the table row <tr>. The addClass() and removeClass() methods are then used to dynamically add/remove the required CSS classes to the table row depending on the passed check box state. Adding and removing classes with jQuery is useful as it does all the string bashing for you to check if the class being added/removed is already present, handles spaces correctly, and leaves all other classes on the element intact.
  • Note that in an earlier version I had tricky issues with nested quotes in JSF EL. I initially used outer double quotes, with inner single quotes on the JavaScript calls. The EL through this out however. I ended up using double quotes throughout, and escaped the inner ones with backslashes (\). This worked fine. The version shown here does not need this as it is a later modification.
  • The example extends the Primefaces Document class used in the showcase, adding a boolean property for the check box value.
  • My example uses CDI, whereas the original showcase uses JSF managed beans.

Sample Code Fragments


<html xmlns=""
<f:view contentType="text/html">
    <util:themeSwitcher    outputStyle="true"
    .ui-widget {
        font-size: 75% !important;
    h1.header {
        font-size: 1.2em !important;
        padding: 5px;
        margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
    h2.subheader {
        font-size: 0.9em !important;
        padding: 2px;
        margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
    .float {
        float: left;
    .clear {
        clear: both;
    .themeswitcher {
        float: left;
        clear: both;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
    .ss-selectcolumn {
        width:30px !important;
        padding:0px !important;
    .ss-checkbox {
/* treetable arrow light/dark switch
    .ui-treetable tr.collapsed td .expander {
    .ui-treetable tr.expanded td .expander {
/* Styling nicked from default.css in the Primefaces Showcase */
    a {text-decoration: none;}
    a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}
    a img {border: none;}   

<script type="text/javascript">
    function highlightTreeTableRow(formId, checkBoxId) {
        var checkBox = document.forms[formId][checkBoxId];
        if (checkBox.checked)
            jQuery(checkBox).parent().parent().addClass(‘ui-state-highlight ui-selected’);
            jQuery(checkBox).parent().parent().removeClass(‘ui-state-highlight ui-selected’);
<h1 class="float header ui-widget ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" style="">Theme Switcher</h1>
<h:form prependId="false" id="frmTest">
<util:themeSwitcher form="frmTest" outerStyleClass="themeswitcher" style="margin-bottom:20px;"/>

<div style="width:600px;clear:both;">
    <p:treeTable value="#{documentsController.root}" var="document"
       styleClass="#{(’logo.png’)? ‘ui-state-highlight ui-selected’:’fred’}"
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{}" />
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{document.size}" />
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="#{document.type}" />
            <f:facet name="header">
            <p:commandLink update="documentPanel" oncomplete="" title="View Detail">
                <p:graphicImage value="/images/search.png"/>
                <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{document}" target="#{documentsController.selectedDocument}" />
        <p:column styleClass="ss-selectcolumn">
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:selectBooleanCheckbox disabled="true" label="box header"/>
            <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{document.selected}"
onclick="highlightTreeTableRow(‘frmTest’,;" styleClass="ss-checkbox" id="selector" >                
                 <script>selectId = ‘#{component.clientId}’;</script>
            <script>highlightTreeTableRow("frmTest", selectId);</script>
    <p:commandButton type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="submit();" style="margin-top:10px;"/>
    <p:dialog header="Document Detail" fixedCenter="true" effect="FADE" effectDuration="0.3"
        widgetVar="documentDialog" modal="true">
        <p:outputPanel id="documentPanel">
            <h:panelGrid  columns="2" cellpadding="5">
                <h:outputLabel for="name" value="Name: " />
                <h:outputText id="name" value="#{}" style="font-weight:bold" />
                <h:outputLabel for="size" value="Size: " />
                <h:outputText id="size" value="#{documentsController.selectedDocument.size}" style="font-weight:bold" />
                <h:outputLabel for="type" value="Type " />
                <h:outputText id="type" value="#{documentsController.selectedDocument.type}" style="font-weight:bold" />
</html> (modified from Showcase)

package org.primefaces.examples.view;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.primefaces.model.DefaultTreeNode;
import org.primefaces.model.TreeNode;

public class DocumentsController implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3593168523028092346L;
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DocumentsController.class.getName());
    private TreeNode root;
    private TreeTableDocument selectedDocument;
    public DocumentsController() {
        root = new DefaultTreeNode("root", null);
        TreeNode documents = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Documents", "-", "Folder"), root);
        TreeNode pictures = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Pictures", "-", "Folder"), root);
        TreeNode music = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Music", "-", "Folder"), root);
        TreeNode work = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Work", "-", "Folder"), documents);
        TreeNode primefaces = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("PrimeFaces", "-", "Folder"), documents);
        TreeNode expenses = new DefaultTreeNode("document", new TreeTableDocument("Expenses.doc", "30 KB", "Word Document"), work);
        TreeNode resume = new DefaultTreeNode("document", new TreeTableDocument("Resume.doc", "10 KB", "Word Document"), work);
        TreeNode refdoc = new DefaultTreeNode("document", new TreeTableDocument("RefDoc.pages", "40 KB", "Pages Document"), primefaces);
        TreeNode barca = new DefaultTreeNode("picture", new TreeTableDocument("barcelona.jpg", "30 KB", "JPEG Image"), pictures);
        TreeNode primelogo = new DefaultTreeNode("picture", new TreeTableDocument("logo.jpg", "45 KB", "JPEG Image"), pictures);
        TreeNode optimus = new DefaultTreeNode("picture", new TreeTableDocument("optimusprime.png", "96 KB", "PNG Image"), pictures);
        TreeNode turkish = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Turkish", "-", "Folder"), music);
        TreeNode cemKaraca = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Cem Karaca", "-", "Folder"), turkish);
        TreeNode erkinKoray = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Erkin Koray", "-", "Folder"), turkish);
        TreeNode mogollar = new DefaultTreeNode(new TreeTableDocument("Mogollar", "-", "Folder"), turkish);
        TreeNode nemalacak = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Nem Alacak Felek Benim", "1500 KB", "Audio File"), cemKaraca);
        TreeNode resimdeki = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Resimdeki Gozyaslari", "2400 KB", "Audio File"), cemKaraca);
        TreeNode copculer = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Copculer", "2351 KB", "Audio File"), erkinKoray);
        TreeNode oylebirgecer = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Oyle bir Gecer", "1794 KB", "Audio File"), erkinKoray);
        TreeNode toprakana = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Toprak Ana", "1536 KB", "Audio File"), mogollar);
        TreeNode bisiyapmali = new DefaultTreeNode("mp3", new TreeTableDocument("Bisi Yapmali", "2730 KB", "Audio File"), mogollar);
    public TreeNode getRoot() {return root;}
    public void setRoot(TreeNode root) {this.root = root;}
    public TreeTableDocument getSelectedDocument() {return selectedDocument;}
    public void setSelectedDocument(TreeTableDocument selectedDocument) {
        this.selectedDocument = selectedDocument;

import org.primefaces.examples.domain.Document;

public class TreeTableDocument extends Document {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7339615098050125785L;
    public TreeTableDocument(String name, String size, String type) {
        super(name, size, type);
    private boolean;
    public boolean isSelected() {return this.selected;}
    public void setSelected(boolean selected) {this.selected = selected;}

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November 26th, 2010
8:25 pm
Using container managed JPA 2.0 with CDI/EJB 3.1/Glassfish 3

Posted under JPA
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  • One issue to be aware of, which is not immediately obvious, is when populating a database from scripts. If the version column is left null (Eclipselink leaves it as nullable by default), then the null value causes an immediate OptimisticLockException to be thrown. This is because EclipseLink expects and checks for a zero as the initial value for a new record. If EclipseLink itself persists the record, then it writes a zero.
  • One good idea to resolve this would be to enforce version columns to be non null with a zero default – although it must be said that it would be helpful if EclipsLink did this automatically in response to the @Version annotation.
  • Population scripts should therefore set version to zero, unless it is set non null with a default of zero in JPA – this latter solution is cleaner and would be automatic for me because I create version columns in a mapped superclass used by all Entities. I have yet to test this out however.


Original Post

This follows on from a previous post relating to JPA 1.0/Glassfish 2.1, and contains a few notes and pointers relating to JPA 2.0 under Glassfish 3 with CDI/Weld.

Firstly, when using an EJB from a client, use CDI injection (@Inject) rather than the @EJB annotation, as CDI gives many additional benefits such as type safety.

In an EJB:-

  • You are using container managed transactions, and so simply have to inject an entity manager rather than create one from an entity manager factory.
  • The container managed entity manager can be injected with a simple @PersistenceContext annotation – the persistence unit name may be defaulted and is discovered automatically.
  • The container is responsible for entity manager lifetime/closing. Calling e.g. em.close at the end of a bean method is illegal and will make Glassfish angry. You do not want to make Glassfish angry – you end up with many long stack traces in the log which on the surface do not appear to relate to this trivial problem!

A major issue with container managed transactions is how to use optimistic locking and detect and handle optimistic lock exceptions correctly. This is detailed in Pro JPA 2, pages 355-357 (you can preview this in Google Books). The main problem is that in a server environment, the OptimisticLockException will simply be logged by the container which then throws an EJBException. Trying to catch an OptimisticLockException in the calling client is therefore doomed to failure – it will probably never be caught!

The solution is to call flush() on the entity manger (e.g. em.flush()) just before you are ready to complete the method. This forces a write to the database, locking resources at the end of the method so that the effects on concurrency are minimised. This allows us to handle an optimistic failure while we are still in control, without the container swallowing the exception. The ChangeCollisionException might contain the object which caused the exception, but it is not guarranteed to. If there were multiple objects in the transaction, we could have invoked getEntity() on the caught exception to see whether the offending object was included.

If we do get an exception from the flush() call, we can throw a domain specific application exception which the caller can recognise, i.e. convert an OptimisticLockException to our own ChangeCollisionException, avoiding coupling the caller to the internal semantics of JPA transactions. It is also desirable to factor out the code which calls flush() into our own method, e.g. flushChanges() to avoid the need for every method which needs to flush having to catch the optimistic lock exception and then throw our domain specific one – we can centralise the exception conversion in our own single method.

We must annotate the ChangeCollisionException class with @ApplicationException, which is an EJB container annotation, to indicate to the container that the exception is not really a system level one but should be thrown back to the client as-is. Normally defining an application exception will cause the container not to roll back the transaction, but this is an EJB 3 container notion. The persistence provider that threw the OptimisticLockException  (in this case Eclipselink) does not know about the special semantics of designated application exceptions and, seeing a runtime exception, will go ahead and mark the transaction for rollback. The client can now receive and handle the ChangeCollisionException and do something about it.

Here is an example of our exception class with the required annotation:-

public class ChangeCollisionException extends RunTimeException {
   public ChangeCollisionException() {super(); }

Here are code fragment examples from a stateless session bean showing the entity manager injection, and a client JSF model bean showing the CDI injection of the stateless session bean. Note that with EJB 3.1 it is not necessary to declare local or remote interfaces for an EJB as business interfaces are not a requirement. However, I always use an interface as it allows for example a mock version of a service layer to be easily swapped in for testing. CDI supports this conveniently via alternatives, whereby a mock version of a bean can be switched in via a setting in beans.xml for testing.

public class SentryServiceImpl implements SentryServiceLocal {

    private EntityManager em;


public class ModelBeanImpl implements ModelBean, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -366401344661990776L;
    private @Inject SentryServiceLocal sentryService;

With container managed JPA and/or Glassfish your persistence.xml  can also be simplified, as you can define your data source in Glassfish rather than explicitly in persistence.xml, as described here.

Note that when defining a data source directly in persistence.xml,  some property names have been standardized for JPA 2.0, so have changed from e.g. eclipselink.jdbc.user to javax.persistence.jdbcuser. The following properties in persistence.xml are now standard:-

<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="sentry"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="sentry"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"/>

An example persistence.xml used under JPA 2.0 follows:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0"

    <persistence-unit name="SentryPrototype" transaction-type="JTA">
       <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="INFO" />
       <property name="" value="Oracle" />      
       <property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="database" />      

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November 23rd, 2010
11:38 am
Using floats to place a border around a control group/toolbar

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I originally used display:inline-block, line-height and vertical-align:middle to do this as detailed here, but the results were inconsistent across browsers.

Using floats is a much better solution for a number of reasons – details are as follows:- 

  • The controls are floated left inside a div which is itself floated left. As the div is floating, it auto resizes to fit around the content, and so scales to fit unknown control sizes.
  • The controls are all set to have fixed top and bottom margins (4px in the example), and the leftmost and rightmost also have similar left and right margins respectively.
  • The floated div is set to have the desired border and background etc. – in my case, I use Primefaces/jQuery UI theme style classes to apply theme look and feel.
  • The floated div is then placed inside another outer div, which may be of fixed dimensions. This allows the control group to adjust in size, but to be located inside a fixed area on a page.
  • If the outer div is of fixed size and non floating, the floating inside it is invisible to the rest of the document, so it is not necessary for example to clear the float.
  • If desired, the outer div can be set to overflow:auto to allow scroll bars if the size of the inner floating div exceeds the space allocated for it on the page.
  • If the area surrounding the control group is also floating, the outer div can also be set to float with no size specified, so the concept works well in both floating and fixed size situations.
  • display:inline-block and vertical-align:middle are not used with this method.

 This mechanism has the following characteristics:-

  • The control group bordering works nicely and consistently with the Primefaces/jQuery theme styling, as rather than trying to centre the controls in a fixed border, instead we vary the border size and keep the margin between the controls and the border constant.
  • The approach makes use of the laws of Gestalt Psychology – the eye notices even small imperfections in the alignment of the controls and their relationship to the border because they are close and obviously grouped/related.
  • Conversely the position of the entire bordered control group within its surroundings (the outer div) will typically not be so critical – it will likely be in a larger area of white space between it and adjacent items,  and so its position and size within that space matters less than the control / border relationship.

A caveat to all this is that it is still not perfect – the simple example below does not perform quite as well in terms of cross browser alignment as the Primefaces/jQuery UI version, as the Primefaces themes apply their own styling as well which changes the situation. This could of course be improved by adjusting the margins individually for different controls in the group to get the best overall cross browser alignment. One very important goal I am trying to acheive is to avoid browser specific CSS. The Primefaces/jQuery UI CSS does in general have browser specific tweaks which will help it in certain situations.

Overall though this approach performs significantly better than the previous method using vertical-align:middle etc. and has the advantage of being fully floating/dynamically sizing if required. An example of this approach follows :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <style type=”text/css”>
  .ss-outerdiv {
   height: 40px;
   width: 200px;
   background-color: orange;
  .ss-controlgroup {
   float: left;
   background-color: green;
   border: 1px solid black;
  .ss-select, .ss-leftbutton, .ss-rightbutton {
   margin-top: 4px;
   margin-bottom: 4px;
   float: left;
  .ss-select {
   width: 120px;
     font-family: Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;
     font-size: 11px;    
   margin-left: 4px;
   margin-right: 4px;
  .ss-leftbutton, .ss-rightbutton {
   height: 20px;
   width: 30px;
  .ss-leftbutton  {margin-right: 2px;}
  .ss-rightbutton {margin-right: 4px;}
<div class=”ss-outerdiv”>
 <div class=”ss-controlgroup”>
  <select class=”ss-select”>
  <option value=”Test”>Test Value</option>
  <button class=”ss-leftbutton ss-button”></button>
  <button class=”ss-rightbutton ss-button”></button>

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November 16th, 2010
2:59 pm
JSF 2.0 Composite Components

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This post highlights a few lessons learned whilst experimenting with a simple composite component, in this case an experimental  Primefaces theme switcher component. The component does the following:-

  • Automatically iterates the themes directory on the server to build a list of available themes which are presented for the user to select
  • Generates a simple theme control panel with a border, consisting of a drop down combo listing the themes, with previous theme/next theme buttons to the right.
  • Also allows theme switching via ctrl/shift/left arrow and ctrl/shift/right arrow, to give a quick way of cycling through the themes when choosing one.
  • The component is used on the JSF page in two modes – the first usage is with outputStyle=”true”, themeBase and defaultTheme attributes. It is placed in the <head> section, and it defines the base path for all the theme directories, and the default starting theme (which may be programmatically overriden by setting the theme property in its backing bean, themeSwitcherBean). This mode also outputs the link directive to link the current theme stylesheet to the page. It does not result in the display of the control panel.
  • The second mode is used inside a <form> on the page, and results in the theme switcher panel being displayed.
  • A theme switch results in a form submission, so this must be acceptable to the form logic. If not, i.e. if the form is dirty, the theme switcher must be disabled. This would be done by passing a disable flag attribute to the component, which maps to a disable property of the backing bean, which results in enabling/disabling the controls. At present, a disable feature is not supported.


The following salient points were picked up along the way:-

  • The component does not have to be placed in a form. The examples in the Core JavaServer Faces book seemed to always show the client page with the control placed on a form, and also with <form></form> tags present in the custom component implementation. There is absolutely no requirement for the custom component implementation definition to be in its own form.
  • With JSF 2.0, it is easy to pass a value e.g. from a composite component attribute in a call, direct to a backing bean property, as JSF 2.0 now supports method expressions with parameters in EL expressions – just add the brackets and the call arguments. This used to be tricky, and many posts on technical blogs just seemed to answer ‘why on earth do you want to’. Well, perhaps it is unusual, but in this example it feels just the right thing. Normally when linking to a style sheet, one would put the path to the sheet directly on the page in the <link> tag, as one also would when referring to other resources such as images. I have therefore done exactly the same with the themeswitcher – you pass the theme base web context path (along with the default theme name) to the component just as you would do to a <link> tag. This then allows the backing bean to discover the physical theme directory location on disk and automatically iterate it to generate a list of the available themes which are present, which is then passed to the select list of the combo. Whilst the theme base context path could be set up as an injected property of the backing bean, it just does not feel right to do it that way, as normally this knowledge is encapsulated on the page. Sometimes, passing values from the page to a bean is actually the right thing to do!
  • When using an EL method expression to write to a bean property, note that you can just call a setter on the bean directly as if it was a method, giving the “set” prefix, and passing the value as an argument. You literally just plant the EL call on its own in the middle of the page. (You can of course also use another custom method if you wish, for example if you want to pass a number of properties in a single call). Furthermore, when calling for example a setter or any other method that returns void, nothing is written to the page, as you would expect. In the example code below, the EL expression #{cc.attrs.bean.setThemeBase(cc.attrs.themeBase)} does exactly this.
  • A composite component acts as a JSF naming container. Naming containers are required to ensure uniqueness of IDs on a page , by modifying Ids to add a prefix. For example a composite component could be placed many times on a page, and the Ids of all its constituent components/controls must be unique. As a test example, when the above component was placed in the <head> section (i.e. not in a form), its clientId was j_idt4. When placed on the page a second time, in the form to show the control panel , its clientId was frmTest:j_idt9. Notice that by default the clientId was automatically prefixed by the form ID. This issue becomes important when Javascript is in use to refer to controls in the component, as the Id given to a control is in turn prefixed by the clientId. For example, when on the form, a select box which was given an Id of cmbTheme actually ended up with an id of frmTest:j_idt9:cmbTheme. This needs to be taken account of in the code. Note that in the Javascript examples in Chapter 9 of Core JavaServer Faces (p369), the form is inside the composite component. This turns things around, as the form ID is then prepended by the clientId of the composite component as the latter is a naming container – our case is different.
  • By default a form’s controls have the form id prefixed to their id, as the form is also a naming container. This behaviour can be disabled if desired by adding the attribute prependId=”false” to the form tag, but I did not do this.
  • JSTL functionality can be used such as c:if, and for example you can test parameters passed to composite components (cc.attrs.attrname)– the themeswitcher example uses this with the outputStyle attribute to determine whether to output a <link> tag for the theme stylesheet and set the theme base directory/default theme, or whether to output the themeswitcher control panel. The use of c:if in this way is a powerful means of controlling exactly what a custom component renders on the page, and is a useful alternative to using the render property on a component to prevent it being rendered. In addition, it can for example conditionalise the setting of backing bean properties from the page, as is done in the themeswitcher, which could not be done via toggling the render property on components.  In this case, it seemed more convenient and clearer to give two modes to the same component, so that all the design decisions where encapsulated and visible in one place, rather than inventing another component. Other examples of where this might be useful is where a general purpose composite component might be tailorable via its call attributes. For example a table component might have adjacent up/down buttons to allow re-ordering/moving of a block of selected rows, but the re-order capability might not always be needed, so it could be conditionally selected with c:if.
  • When using JSTL, there are limitations. As an example, I tried c:set to copy an attribute containing the backing bean reference to another variable, to use later in a subsequent instance of the composite component and save passing it twice. Setting a valueChangeListener using the saved copy of the bean reference gave a run time error and is not supported. However, reading and writing properties on the bean using the saved copy of the reference worked fine.
  • Note that other JSTL functions can also be used, e.g. to return the size of a string or list, as noted here.

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November 15th, 2010
11:56 am
Namespace error when using JSTL in Facelets with JSF 2.0

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Update 6/7/2011

I hit this problem again when accidentally ignoring the Eclipse warning.
This time, the problem prevented <c:if> tags from working correctly – the tags always tested as true. This was especially nasty as the cause did not appear related to the problem I was having. See this issue in Mantis about the problem.

Original Post

I was using the following namespace declaration in order to use JSTL (c:if etc.) on a Facelets/JSF 2.0 page, as I had done successfully previously under JSF 1.2:-


This gave rise to the following warning in Eclipse:-

NLS missing message: CANNOT_FIND_FACELET_TAGLIB in: org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.validation.internal.facelet.messages

The namespace is incorrect, and as pointed out here (in Ryan Lubke’s comment on the post) should now be:-


This fixed the problem. A complete listing of the namespaces for the tag libraries is also available in edition 3 of Core JavaServer Faces, at the start of Chapter 4, page 101 – (edition 2 did not have this table; it is a useful addition).

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November 11th, 2010
12:59 pm
Scrollable containers in Primefaces

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Some Primefaces containers appear to support scrolling, but this is not universally supported. Layout panels support it, but ordinary panels appear not to.

Fortunately, with IE7 and above, scrolling on a <div> (JSF panelGroup with layout=”block”) works reliably and consistently across modern browsers, so scrolling can just be added within e.g. within a CSS class rule as follows:-

.ss-scroll {


.ss-scroll {
   overflow: scroll;

Using overflow:auto will only add the scrollbars if they are needed, i.e. if content is clipped. Using overflow: scroll will add them all the time so you will get redundant scrollbars when the content does not clip.

Note that for Primefaces, to make a scrolling panel for example, the attribute needs to be added to a containing div inside the panel, and not the panel itself, otherwise the panel header will scroll out of view when the contents scroll which is undesirable.

The w3schools documentation on overflow will be found here.

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November 11th, 2010
11:35 am
Fonts reduce in size when Primefaces table moved inside a panel

Posted under CSS
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Update 22/09/2011

The following selector (as documented below) did not work when used for a particular table. CSS ignored the rule presumably for reasons of specificity:-

.ss-nested-widget, .ss-nested-widget .ui-datatable {
     font-size: 100% !important;

However, the following selector did work (and was also modified to include a dialog as well as a table). This has the advantage of not relying on having ss-nested-widget as a class on the table in order to work.
This has now been adopted as standard as the solution for this issue :-

.ui-widget .ui-datatable,
.ui-widget .ui-dialog { 
     font-size:100% !important;   

Original Post

This issue is due to font size inheritance.

My default font for all Primefaces components was specified globally as follows:-

.ui-widget {

font-size: 75% !important;


The reason for this is that in general it is considered more flexible to go for percentage sizes as these can then be scaled automatically when viewed on smaller devices.

Unfortunately, it appears that when for example a table is nested inside a panel, the font size appears to be 75% of 75% as the rule is inherited and applied twice, as 75% is a relative measurement, The table ends up rendered as a 9px font which is too small. The situation is further complicated by the fact that in the Primefaces skinning, there is a mixture of fonts specified in ems, percentages and pixel sizes, which means that not everything is specified in relative sizing anyway.

There are 2 solutions to the issue, both are straightforward, 1/ is the simplest although arguably not the best due to absolute sizing:-

1/ Change the global ui-widget rule above to use a fixed font size (12px works as a replacement for the above 75%)

.ui-widget {

font-size: 12px !important;


2/ Keep the  75%  for ui-widget and introduce a new rule to specify a 100% size for nested elements:-

.ss-nested-widget {

font-size:100% !important;


This rule needs to be introduced inside the panel. If it is placed on the panel itself, which is the parent element, then the font size just ‘goes large’ to 100%, i.e. larger than the desired default font. To obtain the correct behaviour, the sub-elements inside the panel must be tagged with the style class. It is possible to tag an enclosing <div> just inside the panel, so that the sub-elements inherit it. However, whilst this worked for input selectors and buttons in the panel, tables refused to play ball, and the following rule was needed to ensure that a table in the panel inherited the correct size:-

.ss-nested-widget, .ss-nested-widget .ui-datatable {

font-size: 100% !important;


The same kind of trick can be used to target other nested elements which do not inherit the correct size.

An alternative method would be just to add the class to sub-elements individually where required.

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November 9th, 2010
6:54 pm
Fetching the old value in a JSF input validator

Posted under JSF
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In my case, I did this when checking string uniqueness in a table – if the value entered was unchanged, this would give a duplicate. Whilst I could in theory detect when I was comparing with the old value, this was hard in practice as I did not know which row I was on.

This trick is a good way of not bothering with validation if the field is unchanged. Note the need to cast the UIComponent passed in the event to a UIInput in order to expose the getValue method. Sample code is as follows :-

String oldValue = ((UIInput)component).getValue().toString().trim();

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November 8th, 2010
3:11 pm
Changing Primefaces Structural CSS – Thin Panel example

Posted under JSF
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Update 10/5/2011

The example project which contains this example is PrimeThemeSwitcherTableNonCC, on page ThinPanel.xhtml. This project may be found in the repository here.

Note that the styling for the repository version has changed slightly from below and is as follows:-{
    padding:0px !important;
    border-top-width: 1px !important;
    border-right-width: 1px !important;
    border-bottom-width: 1px !important;
    border-left-width: 1px !important;
    margin-bottom: 1px !important;
.ss-thinpanel > div.ui-panel-titlebar {
    padding-top: 4px !important;
    padding-bottom: 3px !important;
    border:none !important;


Original Post

Sometimes it is desirable to change not the skin of a component but its structure – size, borders etc.
One example of mine was when I wanted an accordion like component which allows multiple panels to be open simultaneously. The accordion used to allow this but does not any longer. A good alternative to the accordion in this case is a stack of panel components, as they can all have independent expand/collapse buttons, and the close button is optional and so can be removed. As a bonus, a submenu can be added if desired as shown in the component showcase.

My issue with the panel for this use case was simply that it looked too chunky and took up too much real estate on the screen when a stack of them was present. I therefore produced some alternative structural CSS to produce a weight watcher’s version of panel, with the aim that a stack of them would take up no more vertical space than a similar stack of the same number of accordion tabs. In fact, in the end my weight watcher’s panel has ended up slightly slimmer than the accordion.

The following example page shows a stack of 3 standard ‘full fat’ panels followed by a similar stack of 3 of the thin version.
Note the following important points about the way the CSS is implemented:-

  • The CSS selectors are all driven by the CSS class ss-thinpanel. Simply including this in the styleClass attribute of the p:panel component enables the thin version.
  • As the new version is tied to the new class ss-thinpanel I have done nothing in CSS which would affect existing use of the panel component – as the example shows, the old can be used alongside the new.
  • The CSS overrides the structural CSS for the panel component, not the skinning CSS. This way, the changes work consistently across all the themes and do not require any theme changes to be made.
  • This technique is useful for any occasion where an alternative flavour of a component is needed – just ensure that the structural CSS is targeted (so all themes work), and drive the change by a new CSS class name. You can then have a number of alternative flavours of a component which are useable just by including the required classname.

<html xmlns=""
<f:view contentType="text/html">
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
     href="#{request.contextPath}/resources/themes/eggplant/skin.css" />

<style type="text/css">       
        .ui-widget, .ui-widget .ui-widget {
            font-size: 75% !important;
        } {
            padding:0px !important;
            border-top-width: 1px !important;
            border-right-width: 1px !important;
            border-bottom-width: 1px !important;
            border-left-width: 1px !important;
            margin-bottom: 1px !important;
        .ss-thinpanel > div.ui-panel-titlebar {
            padding-top: 3px !important;
            padding-bottom: 2px !important;
            border:none !important;
<h:form id="frmTest">
    <h:panelGroup layout="block" style="width:800px;">
        <p:panel toggleable="true" toggleSpeed="500" collapsed="true" header="F.C. Barcelona">
            <h:outputText value="FC Barcelona is one of only three clubs never to have been relegated from La Liga and is the most successful club in Spanish football along with Real Madrid,
            having won twenty La Liga titles, a record twenty-five Spanish Cups, eight Spanish Super Cups, four Eva Duarte Cups and two League Cups.
            They are also one of the most successful clubs  in European football having won fourteen official major trophies in total,
            including ten UEFA competitions. They have won three UEFA Champions League titles, a record four UEFA Cup Winners’ Cups,
            a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cups (the forerunner to the UEFA Europa League), three UEFA Super Cups and one FIFA Club World Cup.
            The club is also the only European side to have played continental football in every season since its inception in 1955." />
        <p:panel toggleable="true" toggleSpeed="500" collapsed="true" header="F.C. Barcelona">
            <h:outputText value="FC Barcelona is one of only three clubs never to have been relegated from La Liga and is the most successful club in Spanish football along with Real Madrid,
            having won twenty La Liga titles, a record twenty-five Spanish Cups, eight Spanish Super Cups, four Eva Duarte Cups and two League Cups.
            They are also one of the most successful clubs  in European football having won fourteen official major trophies in total,
            including ten UEFA competitions. They have won three UEFA Champions League titles, a record four UEFA Cup Winners’ Cups,
            a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cups (the forerunner to the UEFA Europa League), three UEFA Super Cups and one FIFA Club World Cup.
            The club is also the only European side to have played continental football in every season since its inception in 1955." />
        <p:panel toggleable="true" toggleSpeed="500" collapsed="true" header="F.C. Barcelona">
            <h:outputText value="FC Barcelona is one of only three clubs never to have been relegated from La Liga and is the most successful club in Spanish football along with Real Madrid,
            having won twenty La Liga titles, a record twenty-five Spanish Cups, eight Spanish Super Cups, four Eva Duarte Cups and two League Cups.
            They are also one of the most successful clubs  in European football having won fourteen official major trophies in total,
            including ten UEFA competitions. They have won three UEFA Champions League titles, a record four UEFA Cup Winners’ Cups,
            a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cups (the forerunner to the UEFA Europa League), three UEFA Super Cups and one FIFA Club World Cup.
            The club is also the only European side to have played continental football in every season since its inception in 1955." />
    <h:panelGroup layout="block" style="width:800px;">
        <p:panel toggleable="true" styleClass="ss-thinpanel" toggleSpeed="500" collapsed="true" header="F.C. Barcelona">
            <h:outputText value="FC Barcelona is one of only three clubs never to have been relegated from La Liga and is the most successful club in Spanish football along with Real Madrid,
            having won twenty La Liga titles, a record twenty-five Spanish Cups, eight Spanish Super Cups, four Eva Duarte Cups and two League Cups.
            They are also one of the most successful clubs  in European football having won fourteen official major trophies in total,
            including ten UEFA competitions. They have won three UEFA Champions League titles, a record four UEFA Cup Winners’ Cups,
            a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cups (the forerunner to the UEFA Europa League), three UEFA Super Cups and one FIFA Club World Cup.
            The club is also the only European side to have played continental football in every season since its inception in 1955." />
        <p:panel toggleable="true" styleClass="ss-thinpanel" toggleSpeed="500" collapsed="true" header="F.C. Barcelona">
            <h:outputText value="FC Barcelona is one of only three clubs never to have been relegated from La Liga and is the most successful club in Spanish football along with Real Madrid,
            having won twenty La Liga titles, a record twenty-five Spanish Cups, eight Spanish Super Cups, four Eva Duarte Cups and two League Cups.
            They are also one of the most successful clubs  in European football having won fourteen official major trophies in total,
            including ten UEFA competitions. They have won three UEFA Champions League titles, a record four UEFA Cup Winners’ Cups,
            a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cups (the forerunner to the UEFA Europa League), three UEFA Super Cups and one FIFA Club World Cup.
            The club is also the only European side to have played continental football in every season since its inception in 1955." />
        <p:panel toggleable="true" styleClass="ss-thinpanel" toggleSpeed="500" collapsed="true" header="F.C. Barcelona">
            <h:outputText value="FC Barcelona is one of only three clubs never to have been relegated from La Liga and is the most successful club in Spanish football along with Real Madrid,
            having won twenty La Liga titles, a record twenty-five Spanish Cups, eight Spanish Super Cups, four Eva Duarte Cups and two League Cups.
            They are also one of the most successful clubs  in European football having won fourteen official major trophies in total,
            including ten UEFA competitions. They have won three UEFA Champions League titles, a record four UEFA Cup Winners’ Cups,
            a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cups (the forerunner to the UEFA Europa League), three UEFA Super Cups and one FIFA Club World Cup.
            The club is also the only European side to have played continental football in every season since its inception in 1955." />

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November 8th, 2010
1:18 pm
Header width incorrect on Primefaces scrollable table

Posted under JSF
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If a header facet is used on a Primefaces table, the header does not allow for the scrollbars if present. the column headers do adjust for the scrollbars (although there are issues with column alignment between the headers and the data – a number of such errors have been posted to the Primefaces forum).

One workaround for this is to selectively include a CSS selector to adjust the header <div> width when the scrollbars are present.
The following selector achieves this:-

<style type=”text/css”>       

    .ss-tableheader-scrolladjust > div.ui-datatable-header {

The following table definition selectively includes this when enough rows are present to require scroll bars (this must be derived empirically as it depends on the height of the table, font size used etc. :-

     <h:panelGroup layout=”block” style=”width:500px;”>    
     <p:dataTable var=”car” value=”#{tableBean.carsSmall}” scrollable=”true” 
         styleClass=”#{fn:length(tableBean.carsSmall) lt 8 ? ” : ‘ss-tableheader-scrolladjust’}” height=”200″ > 
         <f:facet name=”header”>
            Ajax Sorting        
         <p:column headerText=”Model”  sortBy=”#{car.model}”>
             <h:outputText value=”#{car.model}” />

         <p:column headerText=”Year”  sortBy=”#{car.year}”>
             <h:outputText value=”#{car.year}” />

         <p:column headerText=”Manufacturer”  sortBy=”#{car.manufacturer}”>
             <h:outputText value=”#{car.manufacturer}” />

         <p:column headerText=”Color” sortBy=”#{car.color}”>
             <h:outputText value=”#{car.color}” />

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