February 20th, 2020
4:34 pm
Loading/Busy Indicator

Posted under Angular & PrimeNG & Web

I needed an indicator such as some kind of spinner whilst microapps were loading.

PrimeNG has a progress spinner here. However, the implementation uses scalable vector graphics, which I was not able to use.

My base line for browser support included IE11, and unfortunately this only has a partial implementation which broke when using the PrimeNG spinner.

I therefore used loading.io to design my own animated gif. The site has a number of free as well as paid for spinner/busy patterns, and each one has a form allowing a number of variables to be tweaked, allowing customisation of your spinner design. You can then download the result in a choice of formats including animated GIF as well as SVG. I stuck with an animated GIF as this worked across all the browsers. I designed different versions (e.g. colour), making them themeable as part of the application theme. For each base theme I implemented a choice of 2 spinners – A rolling spinner, and a spinning circles spinner. Both gave excellent results and were free.


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