December 18th, 2009
1:29 pm
Installing, Configuring and Using TortoiseCVS

Posted under CVS
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Download and install TortoiseCVS from here. Note that the release notes for version 1.10.10 state that 64-bit versions of Windows are supported. My installation runs fine on Windows 7 64-bit.

Except for the main preferences screen, all of Tortoise CVS is accessed via Windows Explorer context menus. Note that this also works within the file open dialogs of applications.

Connecting to the server is done from the CVS/Checkout… menu. In the left pane of the resulting dialog, you select the protocol, protocol parameters, the server, and the repository folder. In the case of my Java repository above, this will be /Java. Note that you do not need to tell the client the server side path of the repository root.

Tortoise does not cache passwords for access to the CVS server, so you have to enter it for the first time in each session. You can however add custom switches for the connection protocol, which may allow a password to be specified. Note that this is therefore not encrypted! You will probably want a dedicated low privilege account for CVS access if you do this, and in fact this is recommended anyway  – see here for details on how to set this up.

For the pserver protocol, you can add password=mypassword to the Protocol Parameters box in the checkout dialog.
The settings in this dialog are remembered for the next time you use it. If you access multiple replositories, they are remembered and may be selected in the list box at the top.

You do not want Tortoise control on all your explorer folders, as this can slow explorer down and clutter up the context menus when you don’t want it. Use the advanced tab in the preferences dialog to include/exclude folder trees from Tortoise control. Note that if you add a folder tree to include, all others are excluded – see this post here. You can also exclude network shares etc. (done by default).

Usage Points

  1. When checking out, you pick a module name in the RHS pane. You can browse for/refresh the module list first.
  2. After checkout, you get a subfolder for the module tree, which contains a cvs folder which contains metadata and is managed by Tortoise.
  3. If you do a ‘wild’ checkout you will end up checking out CVSROOT which you don’t need – this can be deleted.
  4. You can tag a file or group of files/module etc. to indicate a version, then check this out later using the tag. Note that internally, CVS uses a an “n.n” style internal version number starting at “1.1” for a file.

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