December 18th, 2009
1:40 pm
Configuring and Using the Eclipse CVS plugin

Posted under CVS
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Eclipse comes with a CVS plugin pre-installed. To connect to a repository, open the CVS Repositories view and add one via new from the context menu. The Eclipse CVS client is a pure Java one with a more limited set of protocols than the full set allowed by CVSNT – I use the pserver protocol, which encrypts passwords but not any other traffic. This is fine for a trusted internal development network behind a firewall. Eclipse does allow password caching and asks for secret questions for password recovery.

Note that if you get timeouts trying to connect to your repository and you are using CVSNT, make sure that you have excluded cvsservice.exe and cvslock.exe fully from both your Antivirus software on the server and the Windows Firewall on the server. In my case I used the default TCP ports in all cases on both clients and the server without problems once this had been done.

By default, my icons in the package/project explorers did not show when a file was dirty, i.e. when I had made local changes to a checked out file (Eclipse terms this an outgoing change). I could see the changes in the Team Synchronization view, which is useful as it isolates your changes from all the unchanged files, and allows filtering on the type of changes (outgoing, incoming, both, change conflicts). However, it is highly desirable to have the simple feature of tagging the icons on the dirty files, and this did not work even though I strongly suspected that such a feature would be available. It turned out that this labelling of the icons is enabled in the preferences.  Select Window/Preferences, then select Team/CVS/Label Decorations in the left pane, then the Icon Decorations tab, and select all the options. In my case, Outgoing changes was not selected, so local changes to a file in Eclipse did not make it show up as ‘dirty’ on the explorer icon. Selecting the option fixed the problem.

Usage Points

  1. Most of the CVS options are under the Team submenu in the package explorer context menu.
  2. However, one exception which can catch the unwary – to revert to checked out version – use Replace With and Latest from HEAD or Another Branch or Version on the explorer context menu
    i.e. this command is not under the TEAM submenu.
  3. The CVS Repositories view is useful for browsing the server side repository including all the branches and files.
  4. The Team Synchronization view is useful for viewing your changes – incoming, outgoing, and change conflicts

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