December 1st, 2009
11:38 am
EJB referencing/JNDI mapping examples in JSF/Glassfish

Posted under Glassfish
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I have posted some further notes on this here. The notes are in raw form from an earlier investigative email – much of it is covered here, but some points and links are not, and I do not have the time or inclination at present to rework everything into a single post!

The following examples show typical scenarios which have been tested as working :-

1/ Local EJB Interface injected into JSF managed bean via @EJB

Note that when implementing a dual interface as here, you can extend a single underlying interface. In this case, SimpleBeanLocal and SimpleBeanRemote both extend SimpleBean. However, when you do this, the implementation code must explicitly implemement both SimpleBeanLocal and SimpleBeanRemote as in this example. Implementing the superinterface SimpleBean on its own will not work. This is also explained in this post.

JSF managed bean code

private SimpleBean simpleBean;


EJB Implementation Code

public class SimpleBeanImpl implements SimpleBeanLocal, SimpleBeanRemote {

...class code here...




2/ Local EJB Interface looked up in JSF managed bean directly via JNDI 

JSF managed bean code

try {
  InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

  /* Note that the JNDI name consists of the Java EE Environment Naming Context (ENC) -
    "java:comp/env", followed by "/", followed by the <ejb-ref-name> used in web.xml.
    The extra /Local is just to make the name different to the remote example.
    Any name can be used providing web.xml matches, and multiple slashes can be present.

  simpleBean = (SimpleBean) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/JPAGlassFishIce/Local/SimpleBean");     
  userList = simpleBean.fetchUsers();
} catch (NamingException e1) {



<!-- We define a reference for the bean here.
     If we were using @EJB this would do it for us,
     but in this case we are using an explicit JNDI lookup.


EJB Implementation Code

public class SimpleBeanImpl implements SimpleBeanLocal, SimpleBeanRemote {

...class code here...




3/ Remote EJB Interface injected into JSF managed bean via @EJB

JSF managed bean code

@EJB(name="ejb/JPAGlassFishIce/SimpleBean", beanInterface=SimpleBeanRemote.class)
private SimpleBean simpleBean;


EJB Implementation Code

public class SimpleBeanImpl implements SimpleBeanLocal, SimpleBeanRemote {

...class code here...




4/ Remote EJB Interface looked up in JSF managed bean directly via JNDI 

JSF managed bean code

try {
  InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

  /* Note that the JNDI name here matches the mappedName given in the
     @Stateless annotation in the EJB implementation code.
     mappedName is only relevant for remote interfaces.
     It is not used for a local interface.

  simpleBean = (SimpleBean) ctx.lookup=("ejb/JPAGlassFishIceEJB/SimpleBean");     
  userList = simpleBean.fetchUsers();
} catch (NamingException e1) {


EJB Implementation Code

public class SimpleBeanImpl implements SimpleBeanLocal, SimpleBeanRemote {

...class code here...


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