December 1st, 2009
9:35 am
ICEfaces 1.8.1 app fails to run default sample page

Posted under JSF
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I created a simple test web app using ICEfaces, including the test/sample page that the plugin creates for you by default. When running the app on Glassfish, the error “Object doesn’t support this property or method” occurs and the page fails to load correctly. The same application works in Tomcat.

The issue turns out to be due to a single extra space in web.xml. The Eclipse code has an extra trailing space in the url pattern for the Persistent Faces Servlet mapping as follows :-

Broken Version with trailing space after the * – works on Tomcat 6, fails on GlassFish 2.1

<url-pattern>/xmlhttp/* </url-pattern>

Working Version without trailing space – works on both


The effect of the extra trailing space appears to be that GlassFish 2.1 does not obey the servlet mapping for this url pattern. Tomcat is not tripped up by the trailing space. An extra hazard for the unwary in Eclipse (Galileo) is that if you use the XML editor to edit web.xml, it hides the trailing space if it is present, so you could miss it even if you were aware of the potential issue. The text editor shows the space correctly.

My original post on this in the ICEfaces forums is here. This problem has been fixed in 1.8.2 – the bug tracker entry for the problem is here. Note that upgrading to 1.8.2 will not apply the fix to existing projects in Eclipse, only to new ones. For existing projects, you need to remove the extra space in web.xml manually.

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