December 3rd, 2009
10:30 am
Implementing Dual Interfaces on an EJB

Posted under EJB
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Note that when implementing dual (both Local and Remote) interfaces on an EJB, you can extend a single underlying superinterface. In this case, SimpleBeanLocal and SimpleBeanRemote both extend SimpleBean. However, when you do this, the implementation code must explicitly implemement both subinterfaces SimpleBeanLocal and SimpleBeanRemote as in this example. Implementing the superinterface SimpleBean on its own will not work.

(Super)Interface SimpleBean

public interface SimpleBean {
   public void createUsers(); 
   public List fetchUsers();



(Sub)Interface SimpleBeanLocal

public interface SimpleBeanLocal extends SimpleBean {}


(Sub)Interface SimpleBeanRemote

public interface SimpleBeanRemote extends SimpleBean {}


Implementation Class SimpleBeanImpl

public class SimpleBeanImpl implements SimpleBeanLocal, SimpleBeanRemote {
...class Code here...

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