June 11th, 2010
12:44 pm
Further notes on EJB Lookups

Posted under Glassfish
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Much of this has already been covered here, but I am posting these somewhat raw notes from an earlier investigative email as they include one or two links and points not covered elsewhere. I don’t have the time or inclination at present to rework everything into an existing post :-


1/ For local beans, you can just use defaults in @Stateless (in the bean) and in @EJB (in the referring code)
Note that when you do not use all the defaults, you must declare both the beaninterface and the name attributes

@EJB(name=”ejb/JPAGlassFishIce/SimpleBean”, beanInterface=SimpleBeanLocal.class)
private SimpleBean simpleBean;
2/ For remote beans, you can use e.g.



@EJB(beanInterface=SimpleBeanRemote.class, mappedName=”ejb/JPAGlassFishIceEJB/SimpleBean”)
private SimpleBean simpleBean;

Note – you must pass the class of the remote interface as above or it will not work, and you just get name not found exception.

3/ The above methods work for both access from one bean to another, and from a JSF managed bean to a remote (or local) bean
It also works from any POJO called from e.g. a JSF manged bean.
Note that this ability is container specific – Glassfish does it, other containers may vary in what/if/how they support.

4/ If doing JNDI lookups yourself to a local bean (via context.lookup), you need to add <ejb-local-ref> to web.xml as follows :-


This would be used if using e.g. Spring or a custom EL resolver  to inject references into JSF managed beans (via JSF DI)

Note that the JNDI name for the above local reference would be
i.e. this is picking up from the <ejb-ref-name> above, and is prefixed java:comp/env
java:comp/env is a reference to the JNDI “Environment” service provider for Java EE
you can also use this  to look up environment variables etc.
see here http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/xml/WebAppDev4/

The <ejb-local-ref> stuff is done for you automatically if you use @EJB

5/ Note that JNDI names are container specific at present (fixed in java ee6)
See here for a good SUN post on all the EJB reference stuff :-

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