January 7th, 2010
3:15 pm
Eclipse error on opening jsf/jspx page with web page editor

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I have run in to an issue with Eclipse (Galileo 3.5.1) when opening a jsf page with the web page editor – I get the error:-

“Could not open the editor: null argument:”

I tried the -clean flag on startup as per this post but this did not fix the problem. I also tried deleting this metadata file but this had no effect in this case

This appeared to be due to Eclipse disliking the syntax of some sections of the code I had commented out. In one case, adding the following comment:-

<!–  value=”#{appRoles.selected}” –>

caused the error to occur, and removing it caused the error to disappear. The cause was not always consistent – in another copy of this same page I had to delete a commented out table column to fix the problem:-

In general, I think that certain usage of commented out sections can trip Eclipse up and cause the editor to fail. removing these causes the problem to disappear.

Note that the error does not occur with the JSP editor, so this can be used instead or to edit the sections causing the problem.

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