November 30th, 2009
6:04 pm
Posted under Eclipse
Tags Eclipse, Tip
A useful article on this, and on keeping Eclipse clean is here. Some general points on this are as follows :-
- In my experience it does not pay to let workspaces become too large, as metadata corruption can sometimes cause the whole workspace to fail to load and cross project pollution of metadata can happen. It also helps with performance not to have a huge workspace. I keep all related projects for a given application in the same workspace, but not others.
- The article describes the use of the -clean command line argument to remove cached OSGi framework and Eclipse run time metadata. I haven’t used it myself, but it is said to be able to fix really obscure bugs/issues caused by metadata corruption.
- When creating a new workspace, use File/Export/Preferences to save a preferences file which can be imported into the new workspace. This will allow e.g. your plug in libraries and other preferences to be quickly defined in the new workspace. If you do not do this, you need to either download the libraries again via eclipse’s user library management, or load them one at a time. An xml file is used to define the userlibraries and I did not look into how to store a library repository locally with its own xml definition.
- Note that when sharing the libraries across multiple workspaces, you will want to change the default download locatation when downloading them initially – the default is <workspace>\libraries, which would mean that subsequent workspaces would be sharing libraries from inside another one. This post here details my typical folder structure which places the shared libraries at a level above the workspaces. You will need to modify the download path each time you download a library (in my case this involves just taking out the Workspaces\<workspace>\ levels from the path).
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