December 4th, 2009
4:30 pm

Posted under Java
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OSGI is an acronym for the Open Services Gateway Initiative, an open standards organisation formed to promote the specification of a Java based services platform that can be remotely managed. The Acronym is now obsolete, and instead the organisation is called the OSGi Alliance.

Eclipse is an OSGi compliant platform, and uses OSGi to manage its services and plugins. An OSGi plugin is quickly recognisable by the fact that its library jars are broken down to a fine grained level to allow flexible deployment, and have long names consisting of a package prefix and version number information. A typical example of an OSGi style jar is this core Java persistence jar :-


Glassfish V3 is also OSGi compliant, but Glassfish V2.1 and earlier are not.

An overview and details of the OSGi concept and specification may be found on Wikipedia here.

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