December 18th, 2009
4:52 pm
Eclipse Glassfish Plugin loses sync with Glassfish start/stop state

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This appears to be an issue if you start Glassfish (2.1.1) outside of Eclipse (3.5.1) – Eclipse does not then always sync with it properly. It may try to start it when it is already started and fail, then fail to publish/run projects correctly.
There is an old bug logged on this here. It claims to have been resolved, but the resolution does not appear to be seamless – it appears that Eclipse cannot fully integrate with an externally started Glassfish.

I expect this to be sorted with Glassfish V3 as this is fully OSGI compliant.
In the meantime, the answer seems to be to allow Eclipse to fully control Glassfish, i.e. start and stop it itself, and to not start Glassfish externally when using Eclipse.

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