Posted under Eclipse & Java & Knowledge Base & Spring & Spring Boot
Tags Yoti
I decided to go from Java 8 to the most recent LTS release of Java, JDK 17, and to the current latest Spring Boot, 2.6.7, for my Spring Boot Identity API which is a java back end interface to Yoti.
Initially I used Oracle JDK 17, and I hit an issue when running live with Yoti, but using the Java IdentityAPI locally. Curiously (and annoyingly) everything worked fine when running in debug under the latest eclipse, 2022-03, but I failed to get a Yoti profile back when running the compiled Spring Boot version directly.
This Spring Boot issue details the problem, which is exactly what I was getting – an error returned when getting the Yoti profile, due to an interaction between Spring Boot, Oracle jdk 17, and Bouncy Castle encryption, causing an IllegalStateException citing ‘zip file closed’ when the jar is being unpacked. The issue does not occur when running an exploded deployment (i.e. not in a fat jar), such as is done when running in debug in eclipse as I was.
There is no resolution at present, but as the problem does not occur under openJDK, I elected to switch to openJDK 17 rather than revert to Oracle JDK 11, which would have been another option.
Switching to openJDK 17 fixed the problem, and I was able to successfully perform age verification using a local Spring Boot IdentityAPI of mine, built with openJDK 17, and using the production Yoti to retrieve a live profile.
Whilst doing this, I improved the logging and elected to use Lombok’s @slf4j annotation to create loggers, for convenience, as this also allows logging to be tweaked via the Spring Boot as normal for Spring Boot. This is detailed here for reference.
In addition I upgraded the Yoti Java SDK I was using to the latest one (yoti-sdk-api version 3.4.0) rather than the old one I was using (yoti-sdk-impl version 2.6.0). This involved a small change to my YotiService as the interface to Yoti has changed, and some small pom changes for the new version. This all worked fine.
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