July 19th, 2011
8:54 pm
JPA – Accessing the primary key ID allocated during a persist operation on a new entity

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I wanted to do this in order to use the ID as part of the creation of a Base64 encoded tree path in another column in the same row, as I was using path enumeration as my tree algorithm (see here on slideshare.net for an excellent article on database tree algorithms).

The simple answer is – you can’t do this reliably, unless you allocate IDs yourself in some way.

  1. The ID is not available before a persist. I could call flush and then read it back, create the TreePath and then persist again – this is safe. This is discussed here on Stack Overflow.
  2. The JPA Lifecycle callback @PrePersist does not guarantee that the ID is visible. The net is rather quiet on this but this post here about hibernate says it cannot be relied upon  (@PostPersist would of course be different). There are strong limits on what you can do in such a callback or entity listener. For example, you can’t do entity manager operations, persist entities, or refer to other entities etc.
  3. Triggers would be another way to avoid the double update. I could set the rest of my TreePath prior to the first persist, and then retrieve the actual ID in a before insert trigger using the new.TreePathID syntax (MySQL and Oracle use similar syntax in this respect). I could then encode it in Base64 using a stored procedure, and append it to the treepath. Oracle has a built in package with Base64 encoding and decoding available (the utl_encode package). For MySql there is an open source example on the internet here. From posts on the net, e.g. here, triggers do work in MySQL via JPA.

The best solution looks like using triggers on the database server, as this avoids the double update. I have yet to investigate/try this.

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