July 19th, 2011
5:35 pm
Calling a utility POJO from a Session Bean

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Update 17/10/2013

This StackOverflow Post here is by David Blevins, EJB 3.1 expert group member among many other things. It confirms my original post below that plain CDI beans can be freely mixed with EJBs etc. and that you use what you need based on the features offered. It confirms that an @ApplicationScoped bean is pretty much an @Singleton but does not have the @Startup capability to run a method when the application starts. There is a javax.inject.Singleton as well as a javax.ejb.Singleton, however this post here points out that javax.inject.Singleton is not part of the official CDI spec. Therefore, it suggests (as does David Blevins in the above post) that you use @ApplicationScoped if you don’t need the special transactional/locking features of @Singleton (javax.ejb.Singleton that is), as it can be a lot faster.

In my case, there are a number of places where I may now end up replacing intermediate @Stateless beans with @Application scoped ones for simplicity and performance.

Original Post

A number of blog posts on this maintain that you need to create an EJB singleton for this, and set it to readonly, perhaps with Transactionattribute  set to unsupported to suspend the transaction whilst in the utility POJO/EJB.

Assuming the utility POJO did no database access and had no transaction involvement, I could see no reason for this. After all, an EJB can create and use an ArrayList for example without having to take any special actions. Why should my utility POJO be any different? In my case, the POJO was using the Apache Base64 encoder to encode an ID in Base64. When I subsequently read the CDI spec for info on this, it came to the rescue. CDI states that you can pretty much inject anything into anything else.

In particular, on P13 of the weld spec, Section 2.2.2 “SessionBeans” it states :-

“You can inject one session bean into another session bean, a managed bean into a session bean, a session bean into a managed bean, have a managed bean observe an event raised by a sessionbean, and so on.”

Therefore, if I just have a plain utility class which has nothing to do with session beans, the DB, or transactions, I can just inject it with CDI and call it from a session bean. I do not have to make it a singleton session bean/with readonly locking/transactions not supported etc.

The restriction would be that unlike session beans it could not be called remotely with all the clever EJB remote stuff, however this is absolutely not required in cases like this, I would just deploy it as a utility library in the local container along with the rest of the application. Each application server would therefore have its own copy.

This finally makes sense. In my case, it also works perfectly well when I inject an application scoped POJO into a stateless session bean.

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