May 28th, 2010
2:34 pm
Java Dev setup 2 – Eclipse Helios/Eclipselink/Primefaces/Glassfish V3

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This follows on from this post which detailed my previous development stack based on ICEfaces and Glassfish V2.1.

This new stack uses Primefaces, which I now prefer to ICEfaces, for the following reasons (in no particular order):-

  1. It has a JSF2 full release – ICEfaces is still only in Beta for JSF2 (as is richFaces)
  2. According to various reviews, it is simpler and more lightweight – this may also be a factor contributing to it being further ahead in JSF2 support.
  3. It has fuller functionality as standard – with ICEfaces you need to subscribe to the commercial paid version to get some enhanced features such as the treetable.
  4. Like ICEfaces, it has a very clean and modern look and feel out of the box with minimal effort. It comes with many themes out of the box, and new themes may be constructed easily online via themeroller, with minimal CSS knowledge. The Primefaces CSS is structured to global theme skinning CSS from component specific CSS.
  5. The transparent AJAX bridge of ICEfaces was a compelling feature, as it gave completely transparent partial rendering, although at the expense of resources/performance due to the need for a replica DOM tree in the server which had to be kept in synch. However the new AJAX features of JSF2 perform this in a new way which is also now standard.
  6. It has a related component library, Touchfaces, which supports webkit based mobile browsers – widely compatible mobile support will be an important requirement for me.

The following operations should be performed :-

  1. Download and install the chosen Java SE JDK
  2. Download and install Glassfish V3.0.1 (in my case, the Web profile edition,as it is lighter, I don’t need the full EE feature set and can upgrade incrementally as required). Eclipse has a plugin for, and therefore a dependency on, Glassfish so we do the latter first.
  3. Download and install Eclipse (in my case, Eclipse Helios for Java EE, which includes Java EE 6, Eclipselink and all the web tools.
  4. Install the Glassfish Plugin for Eclipse (note the updated workaround for Helios), then create a new server for it in Eclipse – right click in the server view then select new and follow the wizard instructions. Note that by default, Eclipse Helios appears to configure the default JVM using the separate JRE (installed by default by the JDK kit) rather than the JDK, even though the JDK was installed. The Glassfish adapter complains about this JRE as it needs a JDK based one. You can just add an additional one for the JDK, and point the server create wizard at it, as detailed here
  5. Download and install Primefaces and its documentation. Primefaces is installed manually – I just download the jar to e.g. <workspace>\libraries\primefaces-2.2M1. I then create it as a User Library as detailed here. If you open a web page with the Eclipse web page editor, and display the palette, you will find all the Primefaces components under the pallet entry (there may be other palette entries with the name primefaces which may be empty, and should be ignored). Code/tag completion for the components should all work correctly.
  6. Download Tomcat if required. I use this for some projects that need a servlet container but not Java EE. I have in the past used the windows service installer version, which is a self installing .exe and installs/runs Tomcat as a service. However note that this does not work under Windows 64-bit if you are using a 32 bit JVM. See here for a manual install process from the zip kit to give you all the functionality of the windows installer version, including run as a service, configuration utility, and system tray monitor/utility.

Comments and issues when test driving the resulting installation:-

  • The new Glassfish V3 is fully OSGI compliant, as is Eclipse, so the old issues about Eclipse losing sync as to whether Glassfish was started or not are a thing of the past. However, Eclipse would not use the configured Glassfish admin username/password, and always asked for username and password on startup. It also gave the impression that Eclipse was occasionally losing sync and did not detect properly that Glassfish had already been started externally. This can be avoided by setting Glassfish to have a null password. When I did this, Eclipse never asked for credentials and always seemed to sync with it properly. As this was a dev workstation with no inbound external access and a dev/test install of Glassfish, I was quite happy to run it without a password.
  • I imported the Primefaces Component Showcase .war file directly into Eclipse as a test to play around with. This ran fine, but initially any changes to the Java code did not deploy to Glassfish. It turned out that the code folders as loaded were not under the src folder where Eclipse was expecting them, so the auto build process was not compiling them. I just moved all the source up to where Eclipse was expecting them – it already had a set of empty packages there so I just dragged all the source files in the project explorer from where it originally was into the appropriate matching empty packages and all was well. Eclipse then compiled and deployed any Java changes I made correctly.
  • Glassfish 3 is supposed to start much faster than 2.1, it did not feel much faster but I did not do any testing on this. However, the new hot deployment on Glassfish 3 was good. I made some simple changes with the Primefaces component showcase, saved them and then did a republish. Some changes e.g. to xhtml files deployed almost instantly. Some java code changes that had larger scale impact took several seconds but were still hot deployed successfully. With Glassfish 2.1, I had found that the integration with Eclipse was a bit hit and miss – sometimes changes would hot deploy, but quite often things just got a bit sick/out of sync as already stated and Glassfish would need restarting, which was always the slow thing. This is why in the end I stuck with Tomcat for dev testing etc. as even though code changes triggered a restart, the start time was so much faster. I’m hoping for better things with Glassfish V3 and the reports I have seen are positive but will need to try it in anger for a while.

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