November 30th, 2009
1:40 pm
JPA Web Tutorials

Posted under JPA
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Update 08/09/2022

Another interesting and helpful post on primary key generation may be found on Baeldung here.

Original Post

There are a number listed on,, and The eclipse ones are often not all complete but still useful.

  1. A general list of Eclipse tutorials is here
  2. Eclipse/JPA/Tomcat web tutorial
  3. Eclipselink/JPA/JSF web tutorial (looks incomplete and is missing the source code).
  4. Eclipselink/JPA/Glassfish V2 Web Tutorial – also a work in progress.
  5. Oracle – Build a Web Application (JSF) Using JPA
  6. Oracle – Example: Web Application (JSF) Using JPA (another article using the same code example as the previous one)
  7. The Sun Java ee 5 tutorial contains a JPA example.

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