December 18th, 2009
7:38 pm
Running CVSNT as a limited account under Windows XP Pro

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To set this up, I gave the designated user full permissions on the repository root, with full inheritance to all subfolders and files. I also made the user the owner, but this may not have been required. I also gave full access to the designated temp directory (the one set up in CVSNT admin) to this user.

When I tried to use a dedicated ‘limited’ (non administrator) account under windows XP pro I received the following error when I tried a checkout of CVSROOT :-

CVSNT user does not have read access to CVSROOT

Initially I thought this was an issue blocking all checkouts, as with the user set as an administrator, this checkout is allowed. However, the error only occurs on CVSROOT – all other operations on other modules appear to work normally. As CVSROOT is created internally by CVSNT as part of the repository, we should not be checking it out anyway so this should not be a problem.

Setting up this way minimises security issues especially when saving an explicit password parameter in TortoiseCVS (with the pserver protocol) to get around the lack of password caching.

The CVSNT admin utility, under the Server Settings tab, allows an anonymous user to be specified, allowing anonymous access from the clients. I did test this briefly, but could not get it to play ball with TortoiseCVS – tortoise always seemed to get demands for a password and gave an error if I tried anonymous access. I googled for answers to no avail – no info was available on this setting. I combed the documentation but this all seems to be aimed at the command line interface to CVS rather than the GUI control panel interface used in CVSNT.

My final solution therefore was to use an explicit limited (non administrator) account, which works fine.

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