September 10th, 2022
11:09 am
Oracle XE 21c – Container vs Pluggable Databases – CDBs vs PDBs

Posted under JPA & Knowledge Base & Oracle
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I just installed the latest 21c version of XE, and having created the system user, I connected to this via SQL developer, using XE as the SID. All fine so far.

When I then went to create a new schema via the CREATE USER command, I received ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name. Upon researching this I found that Oracle now uses a hierarchy of pluggable databases or PDBs inside a container database or CDB. Schemas aka users can then sit inside a PDB as normal. Inside the CDB, where I was logged in, the rules are different and common users are required which have their own rules and naming conventions.

I just wanted a simple local develpment solution for JPA use, so did not especially want to learn all the ins and outs of this. I found that an XE installation creates a default PDB called XEPDB1, and managed to create an SQL developer connection to this using the already created system account. I tried using XEPDB1 as the SID rather than XE, but this failed as invalid. However when I tried XEPDB1 as a service name rather than a SID it all worked fine. I did not need to make any other changes to the connection settings – user (system), password, and port (1521) were identical.

Having then connected via this new connection, I was successfully able to create a new schema in the default PDB. As expected, to connect to this new schema I again had to use the service name of XEPDB1 and I was able to connect, once I had granted the CREATE SESSION privilege to the new user after creating it to allow me to log on. I could then proceed to grant the necessary privileges to the user and create/populate tables etc. Initially, in addition to granting CREATE SESSION, I just simply granted UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to allow the schema user to allow tables to be populated. With this I was successfully able to perform inserts, upates, deletes, and selects on all the tables present.

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