May 14th, 2017
10:53 am
Web App container layout– how to fill space to right

Posted under Angular & CSS & PrimeNG
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I was trying to allow a left div for a menu to have a percentage width, possibly with a fixed min-width.

I then wanted to add a right div which filled all the remaining space to the right, to form a content pane.

My initial attempts which failed were:-

1/ Float both divs left – this partly works e.g. if I gave 25% width to the left and 75% width to the right, i.e. I had to assign width. If I then gave a min-width to the left, the right div drops underneath when the min-width kicks in.

2/ Per this post here, I took the float out of the right div. Whilst it extended to fill the right hand space, it also filled the left hand space, and placing e.g. a PrimeNG toolbar in the right hand pane resulted in a mess where the height of the toolbar filled the whole height of both divs. This was all due to the interaction of the floated and non floated div – the non floated one just flowed around the left hand floated div, and its content was in fact also hiding underneath the right one. In fact the comments mention that the proposed solution in the post does not work exactly as I found.

Finally an interesting solution which did work is this post here. The right float is not floated but is set to overflow:hidden. This triggers a Block Formatting Context, which interacts with the float to fill the remaining space. The right div becomes a BFC which prevents sibling floats from intruding on them, and also prevents descendant floats from escaping. The post explains the details on this well.

This worked correctly, even when the min-width was used in conjunction with a percentage width for the left div. A plunker showing a simple example of the BFC may be found here.

In the end I abandoned this approach of rolling my own layout. I was using PrimeNG components, and PrimeNG comes with a Grid CSS layout component which does full responsive 12 column based layout. It is nestable, and adaptable automatically for different screen widths via media queries. It is also used internally for the PrimeNG components, so will play nicely with them and will be less prone to side effects. I note from the comments that Bootstrap responsive column layout does not work well with PrimeNG, so I stuck with PrimeNG as it is flexible and easy to use.

Another alternative for grid layout which is big in this area is Foundation, which is also reviewed and compared with Bootstrap here. Bootstrap may be found here. Both Foundation and Bootstrap are frameworks offering components and css/theming as well as grid layout so would likely fight with Primefaces as this post indicates. It looks like you may be able to just get the grid with Foundation by now, not sure with Bootstrap.

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