March 9th, 2011
12:49 pm
Problems updating a checkbox in a Primefaces Table header

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With reference to my previous post, I found that a checkbox in a row cell in a Primefaces Table could not (from its value change listener) update a checkbox in the header. Per the previous post I was using component binding and calling UIInput.setValue() to update the value.

Strangely, another checkbox (checkbox B) outside the table was able to (again from its value change listener) update the checkbox in the table header.

More strangely, I then just moved checkbox B into a table row cell, and then found that it would not update the header checkbox.

I noticed that the checkbox row selection feature in the Primefaces showcase has the same issue – if you select all via the checkbox in the header, then all the rows become correctly selected. If however you then deselect a row, you would expect the header check box to deselect itself – however it does not.

As a further test, I tried it with Ajax, and was still unable to update the header checkbox from a row checkbox listener.

This Primefaces forum post may points to some possible causes, but its not clear cut. It certainly appears to be an internal issue to do with the Primefaces Table.


One workaround to this would be to link the checkboxes client side with Javascript or jQuery. I resisted this because I will need to perform immediate actions elsewhere on the form based on a select click, so originally decided to do it all server side with listeners and (in the final solution) Ajax. However I may end up doing both – doing the at least some of linked selecting client side, but still using server side listeners for the other requirements.

Doubtless I will need to be careful that my own Javascript/jQuery does not interact negatively with the Ajax Javascript when implementing this. This post here points out that programmatic update of components via javascript does not fire events – only user actions cause events. In my case this need not be an issue – I could used javascript to cause row check box clicks to update the header check box. For example, if all rows were selected manually, I would tick the header box via script. Similarly, if then a row was deselected, I would untick the header check box. In each of those cases, I would not want or need any events to fire due to the header check box change. However, if the user explicitly clicked the header check box either way, I could use its listener to update all the row boxes (as I know this works) and to take any other action needed. whether in this latter case I allow the Javascript to update all the row boxes or not I am not sure – it is more consistent as then all the interlocking is in Javascript, but it will not cause row checkbox events to fire, so the header checkbox listener will still need to update all the selected properties for each row checkbox. If Javascript updates all the row boxes, then at least I don’t need to do any re-render of them which is more efficient. However, it is more complex as it involves iterating all the rows in script, although I expect this can be done pretty easily via jQuery.

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