February 25th, 2021
12:23 pm
Angular 11 – remote loading of Angular Element from separately deployed webpack bundle

Posted under Angular & Uncategorized & Web & Webpack

This follows on from my original post here for Angular 6.

In Angular 11, the up-and-coming approach to this is to use Module Federation for remote loading of microapps/micro-frontends. Manfred Steyer has a new article series on this whole approach here, and the second article about using Angular for this may be found here.

My issue with module federation at present is that it is still appears too nascent to simply ‘just work as standard’ with angular – the above posts need a number of workarounds including the use of yarn, and I was unwilling to switch to this method just for my present requirement which is just the generation of simple proof of concept work.

At present, I am therefore continuing to use my original approach as above for my POC work, as it still works with Angular 11. I have tweaked the approach a little to allow performing production builds, by disabling the hashes added to the filenames (I already use my own alternative method for cache busting/cache avoidance using a query string parameter). Details are shown below.

package.json scripts section

"name": "microapp-fabric-prototype",
"version": "0.0.0",
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve",
"prebuild": "npm run scss",
"build": "ng build",
"postbuild": "node post-build.js",
"test": "ng test",
"lint": "ng lint",
"e2e": "ng e2e",
"scss": "npm run scss1",
"scss1": "cd src/assets/resources/themes/salient-v11-violet && sass theme.scss:theme.css --source-map .",
"prebuildProd": "npm run scss",
"buildProd": "ng build --prod --output-hashing none",
"postbuildProd": "node post-build-prod.js"


/* Do post build actions on the webpack bundle.
* Rename the webpack jsonp objects throughout, to prevent invalid multiple bootstraps due to name collisions
* This is due to an angular bug - see here: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/23732
* This script requires the npm replace package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/replace
* To install use: "npm install replace -g" */

var replace = require("replace");

['main.js', 'polyfills.js', 'runtime.js', 'vendor.js']);

function doWebpackReplace(name, filename, paths) {
regex: '\\["webpackJsonp"\\]',
replacement: `["webpackJsonp${name}"]`,
paths: paths.map((p) => `dist\\${filename}\\${p}`),
recursive: false,
silent: false,


/* Do post production build actions on the webpack bundle.
* Rename the webpack jsonp objects throughout, to prevent invalid multiple bootstraps due to name collisions
* This is due to an angular bug - see here: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/23732
* This script requires the npm replace package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/replace
* To install use: "npm install replace -g" */

var replace = require("replace");

['main.js', 'polyfills.js', 'runtime.js']);

function doWebpackReplace(name, filename, paths) {
regex: 'window\\.webpackJsonp',
replacement: `window.webpackJsonp${name}`,
paths: paths.map((p) => `dist\\${filename}\\${p}`),
recursive: false,
silent: false,

At present, I will continue to monitor the situation with Module Federation, and will likely switch to using it when it really is working ‘out of the box’ with no tweaks or complications.


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