Posted under Angular & Web
Instructions for setting up http-server for https use may be found here.
To do this I used the same certificate/key combination (but renamed as required) that I created for setting up ssl over WAMP, in my previous post here. As with the WAMP post/installation, the certificate/key were created using openssl, which I downloaded here. The official openssl site may also be found here.
From my previous WAMP installation, I took the certificate.crt/private.key combination from the apache conf folder, and renamed them to cert.pem/key.pem respectively, and placed them in a new ‘keys’ folder conveniently accessible by the batch files that ran all the microapps. I then created ssl versions of all the batch files to run the microapps – an example of the fabric batch file follows:-
cd dist\microapp-fabric-prototype
http-server -p 443 -S -C ..\..\..\keys\ss-localhost-cert.crt -K ..\..\..\keys\ss-localhost-cert.key
https then worked fine and I was able to integrate with the live Yoti for age verification.
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