December 8th, 2019
5:17 pm
Spring Boot not adding CORS headers in response when using WebMvcConfigurer

Posted under Spring & Spring Boot
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I was using this to add CORS headers dynamically based on

However initially Spring stubbornly refused to add the headers.

My initial (incorrect) code was as follows:-

public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
    private ConfigProperties config;
    public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
        config.getCorsOriginsAllowed().forEach(origin -> registry.addMapping(origin).allowedOrigins(origin));

The error was that I had used origin both as the registry mapping key and the resulting allowed origin.

The correct code should have used a URL path as the mapping key. The correct replacement line was as follows:-

        config.getCorsOriginsAllowed().forEach(origin -> registry.addMapping("/**").allowedOrigins(origin));

This fixed version mapped every URL path to the given set of origins, using “/**” as above.

This fixed the problem.

This post here by Baeldung and this Spring guide post detail the various ways to add CORS headers, both in a fixed static way using annotations, and in dynamic ways such as the above.

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