March 4th, 2011
5:48 pm
Breadcrumb Composite Component using ui:repeat

Posted under JSF
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Update 16/1/2012

A bug was found in the crumb styling. max-width was correctly set on the crumbs to truncate them, but when white space is present in a crumb, the default is to wrap at the max-width. This causes the breadcrumb to increase in height and add a second line. The fix was to turn off the wrapping by setting “white-space:nowrap” in the css for the crumb anchor tags (see Mantis issue 99 for details) :-

.ss-breadcrumb ul li,
.ss-breadcrumb ul li a {
    text-decoration: none;


Original Post

This follows on from my previous posts on the Primefaces breadcrumb here  and here.

I found a couple of further important issues I hit when using the standard breadcrumb:-

  1. In order to add and remove crumbs dynamically, it uses the Primefaces MenuModel. Methods of the MenuItem class are used to add actions and listeners.
  2. The mechanism seems somewhat cumbersome. In particular, it does not appear to be easy to pass a particular target object as an argument to an action or listener method, as the binding appears to be created as a string. Ideally what I would want is for the breadcrumb entries to be created by iterating a list using a var attribute like a table, and then to pass the var object containing the current crumb in the list as an argument in a method call to an action when that crumb was clicked.
  3. The only way I could see to do it involved passing an identifier for an object (such as the primary key for an entity). Whilst I certainly did not bottom it out completely, the mechanism seemed somewhat complex to use and lacking in flexibility.

Adding these issues to the ones already highlighted in the other posts (in particular the slowness of the jQuery operations when initially collapsing a breadcrumb in preview mode), I decided to take the step of rolling my own custom breadcrumb. The following approach was taken:-

  1. I decided to use a composite component rather than create a full blown custom component in code, as this looked more straightforward, and I had experience of composite component creation.
  2. The key factor which made this possible was that I could use ui:repeat to build the breadcrumbs dynamically from a list.
  3. Conditionally rendered xhtml tags could be handled using ui:fragment within the ui:repeat loop. This allowed the use of the rendered attribute on ui:fragment to optionally render sections even when standard non-jsf html tags such as <li> were used. For example, the root crumb of the component is rendered differently to the others, using an icon only. Also, full width crumbs are rendered differently to truncated crumbs (when truncating the component to fit a target width)

The following are the key features and design points for the breadcrumb:-

  1. The component is designed specifically for dynamic use, being driven from a list much like a table. It is not possible to build it statically on the facelets page (static use is covered by the standard control so this was specifically a non-goal/non-requirement).
  2. It is rendered entirely statically, so there is no (potentially slow) javascript/jQuery stuff going on at render time or during use.
  3. Compression to fit a target width is done by passing the desired target width in to the control. This is then used to set max-width css properties on the crumbs. This allows the crumbs to take the width they need and to only be truncated when they hit the max value. The max value is calculated on the server at render time by dividing the max target width by the number of crumbs to be rendered (allowing for the root crumb as a special case).
  4. The full text for a crumb can be viewed at any time by hovering over the crumb – it is displayed using the HTML title attribute. This is one annoyance with the standard Primefaces control – it does not allow use of the title attribute. Using the title  attribute allows the control to be static on the page for speed but still allows truncated crumbs to be easily read.
  5. The component supports the concept of stale crumbs. The idea is that when moving back up the crumb path (leftwards, or navigating up a tree path), the crumbs to the right which were previously visited are not immediately removed. They are highlighted differently as non bold and italic to make them less important compared to the ‘fresh’ crumbs on the path. In addition, the current crumb is underlined in order to make it completely clear where the current position is. Without stale crumbs present, this would normally be the rightmost crumb, but this will now no longer be the case if stale crumbs are present.
  6. Stale crumbs are only removed if the user navigates down a different tree path which invalidates them, in which case they disappear. Provided the user remains on the same tree path, the crumbs will be left in place.
  7. The stale crumbs may be clicked for navigation just like the fresh ones, to allow the user to revisit old ‘stale’ locations. When a stale crumb is revisited, it changes back to a fresh crumb again (as do all other stale crumbs to its left) and it becomes the current crumb – it is therefore rendered in bold, non-italic, and is underlined. The crumbs to the right of it if any still remain stale as they were before.
  8. To assist navigation up a tree structured hierarchy, it is common to include an ‘up’ button somewhere. This is taken a step further by including both up (= left pointing) and down (=right pointing)buttons on the left hand side of the breadcrumb component. When combined with stale crumb support, this feature allows easy navigation both up and down a given tree path. The right button is only enabled when stale crumbs are present, and clicking it moves down the stale crumb list just as if the next stale crumb was clicked. Navigating to the root of the tree (leftmost crumb) disables the left button.
  9. The component is styled in a similar way to the standard Primefaces component, and uses the same CSS classes for the styling.
  10. Styling may be modified, and features such as up/down support turned on or off.
  11. The component is styled using an inner div which holds the component itself – this can be floating if desired in which case it resizes the width to hold its contents. The inner div is contained in an outer div which is typically fixed in size to suit the page, allowing the inner div to scale up to that size. The width used for crumb truncation calculation is passed separately into the control – this will normally be slightly less than the max width set for the divs.
  12. The component is backed by a controller backing bean, BreadcrumbCtrl/BreadcrumbCtrlImpl, which may be subclassed to allow further customisation. The crumbs are passed into the bean as a simple generic list, and a property name used for the crumb text display is passed as a string attribute to the composite component. The controller fields action and listener events from the component, and passes them on using a BreadcrumbEvent interface – an object implementing this interface is passed into the controller bean at init time. When the user clicks on a crumb, the actual crumb in the list plus its list index are simply passed to its action method. When multiple components are used on a page, each will have their own controller object. These will typically be injected into the page backing bean e.g. by CDI as dependent beans. When the action and listener events are called, the actual controller object is also passed. This would allow for example the page backing bean to implement BreadcrumbEvent and manage actions for a number of dependent breadcrumb controllers, using the passed controller object to determine which one was clicked.

The following are some of the key technical issues which arose during development of the component:-

  • ui:repeat is used for iterative xhtml generation of the crumbs. This uses a var attribute like a table to represent the current object (crumb) in the list. It also supports a varstatus attribute which allows access to various loop properties within the loop, such as the current loop index, first and last boolean properties and others. The index property in particular is used to determine styling for the current crumb and stale crumbs etc.
  • In addition, the varstatus object (com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.core.IterationStatus) can be accessed from the controller bean using code similar to the following, where varStatusKey is the name given in the varstatus attribute to ui:repeat:-

Map<String, Object> requestMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
IterationStatus varStatus = IterationStatus) requestMap.get(varStatusKey);

  • It is important to note that whilst it is tempting to cache the varstatus object in the controller bean, this does not work – a new object must be obtained each time using the above code.
  • ui:fragment can be used directly in the ui:repeat loop within the composite component implementation – it is not immediately obvious from the documentation that this is the case.
  • When declaring the attributes for the composite component using <composite:attribute>, note that the type attribute allows specification of a particular object type, the required attribute makes an attribute mandatory, and the default attribute sets a default.

The source code and a usage example of the breadcrumb control may be found in the repository here.

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