Posted under DigiTV
Tags Bug, DigiTV, PCDVB, Tip
There are 2 main issues – the latest version (3.7.12) is needed to auto tune correctly as it deals with split NIT, a new broadcast feature of freeview.
There may be other issues with 3.7.12 so you can use an older version (e.g. 3.7.06) to get a working EPG and for normal watching etc.
This post has the details about the split NIT and EPG problems. Extract from the relevant comment is as follows:-
Yes. Use 05. It will work.
Please read the other threads if you want details. There are way too many threads being started on this same question as it is.
Use 3.7.05 to watch TV, make records, and have an EPG that works.
Use 3.7.12 ONLY to do a fresh Auto-tune as this deals with the “Split NIT” issue. (Not sure if that is relevant in Germany, so just stick with 3.7.05)
As at 1/1/2011, I had EPG issues. I switched to the latest V4 release, but it crashed during recording and proved rather a resource hog.
I then rolled back to 3.7.06 (needed to do restore a restore point, as it appears the registry settings in V4 blanked all the button labels in V3 – the registry settings are not removed even on an uninstall.
Then tried 3.7.10 and then 3.7.12 on top, and this seems to work fine so sticking with it at present.
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