Posted under Angular & TypeScript
Tags Tip, Tutorial
I had a need to do this initially when implementing my own tab container component.
I wanted each tab to hold a parent reference to the container so that it could get the container’s active tab, to see if ‘it’ was the active tab.
There is significant discussion about this online. The parent can be injected directly via its class name, but this introduces tight coupling which is undesirable.
Another option discussed was the use of @Host in conjunction with injection, as per the angular docs here. In this case, the traversal of the injector tree stops at the parent otherwise another compatible component could conceivably be injected from elsewhere.
My solution initially was to define parent and child interfaces which defined the interaction between them, as one would in Java. This decoupled them from each other. However, in Angular you cannot inject interfaces directly as they are not available at runtime. As I was already iterating the content children (the tabs) in the parent container, in the ngAfterContentInit() lifecycle hook (as this is the earliest point at which the content children are available), it was straightforward to manually assign the parent reference to each child via a method in the child interface. In this way the parent and children were decoupled – any parent supporting the container interface (used by the child) could host any children which used the child interface (used by the parent).
In the end I dumped the idea as it ended up a tad unwieldy – I only needed the child to detect if it was the active one and it was having to call a parent method to compare itself with the currently active tab to see if it was the one. This child element property was then used to ensure that only the content of the active tab was actually rendered. I finally just added a boolean active property on the child interface, and in the parent, when switching tabs, I cleared the active flag on the old active tab (if there was one) and set the active flag on the new active tab, as well as assigning a parent property for the currently active tab. Whilst this meant I was having to track the active flags correctly, I no longer had to handle parent references and parent method calls. This seemed less messy but it was a close call and either pattern in reality would be ok.
One point of note is that in Typescript, an interface can contain properties (as in fields in Java) as well as methods, so for example my interface for the child could contain active and default properties directly rather than having to additionally define isActive() and isDefault() methods.