Posted under Ionic
Tags Angular, Ionic, Tip, Tutorial
This isn’t obvious when you browse the documentation, at least when starting out.
I’m coming from having used for example ThemeRoller with PrimeFaces, where structural css is defined by the components, to give size, shape, layout etc. Theming css is defined by the theme, using common style classes etc. used by all components, to give colours, textures and fonts etc. The two concepts are mutually orthogonal, so you can use any theme with any component, and create your own theme.
I’ve seen theming and themes mentioned on a number of Angular/Ionic related sites, but without the same concept of orthogonality – themes are mentioned along with specialised components which are deemed to be part of a theme. Therefore, theming in Angular appears to encompass more than just the look and styling of components, but also the actual components and their functionality.
This could be summarised simply as follows:- ThemeRoller encompasses the look of an application, with components such as Primefaces encompassing the feel of the application.
With Angular/Ionic, the concept of theming is broader and appears to encompass both look and feel.
Some excellent posts by Josh Morony on how to theme an ionic application help to get under the hood on all this, and are available here:-